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As have mentioned before on this site somewhere, this is a huge and complex task that could only be undertaken by a genuine expert in Pali who is also tech-savvy. Of which there are, well, not many. Maybe one or two? Even so, for a dedicated expert working full time, I would estimate maybe 1 or 2 years work. So no, it’s not going to happen.

Yes, see this is the problem. You want to catch this issue. Sure! But it is, in fact, indicated in the text, so yes, more careful reading would solve this.

But say we spelled out the repetitions. Then there is a big blob of repetitious text. You’ve added a whole bunch of stuff that’s the same, and ask the reader to plough through lots of boring repetitions to filter out the one word that is different. That is no less difficult and error-prone a task than recognizing the occurrence of elisions.

There’s a reason why all printed editions use abbreviations. Without them, the texts rapidly become unreadable. Picking one or two passages that you think would be better spelled out is easy. But understanding the implications of doing that everywhere is a different matter entirely.

If you want to spell out a specific passage in full, you’re most welcome! Hey, if someone wants to make a “full text” edition, with all or many repetitions spelled out, we would consider hosting that. But it’s not something we will be spending time on.

Well, thank you. What kind of thing were you think of? We’re not actively working dictionaries at the moment. The only outstanding job is the markup and corrections to the old PTS dictionary.

You can see the old thread on this here:

And a list of 2-do items here:

Warning! This is a big, complex, slow, and thankless task!