Sanskrit-English comparison and breakdown of < Siksasamuccaya>

Hi, I’m translating works on Satapancasatka of Matrceta and I’m wondering is there any
other websites holding Sanskrit-English (or Chinese) comparison, or better, the breakdown of these Buddhist literature?

The TLB website has done a great job, but some important literature still remains to be inputted, just as < Siksasamuccaya>

However, the text here hasn’t been numbered, and it’s difficult to find exact parallels… For example, with my limited knowledge of language, I could only guess the two paragraphs are parallel, am I right?

《大乘集菩薩學論》卷4〈3 護法師品〉:「《寶雲經》說:「菩薩發如是心,以我精進怯弱下劣及懈怠故,修習菩提自謂難得。如是於無量多百千劫之所積集,如救頭然方證菩提。」(CBETA 2019.Q1, T32, no. 1636, pp. 85c28-86a2)

Santideva: Siksasamuccaya III. dharmabanakadiraksa:avasādo 'py annartha etadvarjanaṃ ca ratnameghe dṛṣṭaṃ | iha bodhisatvo naivaṃ cittam utpādayati | duṣprāpā bodhir manuṣyabhūtena satā | idaṃ ca me vīryaṃ parīttaṃ ca kusīdo 'haṃ bodhiś cādīptaśiraścailopamena bahūn kalpān | bahūni kalpaśatāni bahūni kalpasahasrāṇi samudānetavyā | tan nāham utsahae īdṛśaṃ bhāram udvoḍhuṃ ||

And I’m wondering is there research works on the relationship between the Chinese and Sanskrit versions of < Siksasamuccaya>, and their chapters arrangements.

Thanks for any help!


Hello! I’m quite fond of the Digital Corpus of Sanskrit, which has a fairly large number of texts under the ‘Texts’ tab. Something that I greatly appreciate is that once you select a text, the website breaks down the sandhi and tells you the part of speech of each word. You can also click on any word to see what the English translation is; it is not always correct (there are some errors) but it is a wonderful resource overall.

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thanks for your info!
but the site displays nothing on my computer… i’m wondering is there a network problem…

furthermore, is there websites which could genereate machine-maded Sanskrit or Pali voice from given text?

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Oops, sorry, the full link is: Digital Corpus of Sanskrit (DCS) - Online Sanskrit dictionary and annotated corpus.

I’m not sure about a website that can generate inputted text, but there is an ongoing project called SC Voice which uses computer-generated voices to ‘speak’ Pāli texts.

I know that Bhante Sujato also has a project to record the suttas himself, which is discussed here: My new project: recording the suttas 🎙.


thanks a lot for the info!
the voice project seems very promising:pray:

I hope more text may be included, e.g., SuttaCentral

and male voice better:grinning: