Sinhala translations of Cariyapitaka, Netti and Petakopadesa in the Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series

Here is one of the Cariyapitaka



I have noticed that these, and the Milinda Panha are the only books that are not included among the Sinhala translations.

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There is also a book called Milinda Prashnaya, also known as Sri Saddharmadasaya which is a Sinhala translation of the Milinda Panha.

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The Sinhala translations on SuttaCentral are done by A.P. deZoysa. There aren’t any from the BJT that you linked to. I imagine that Bhante Sujato would be ok with including them, but as far as I know there is not a digital version of the text (meaning actual text, not scans of pdfs).

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I’m just trying to find material that isn’t copyrighted.


Thankfully, the Milinda Panha translation has actual text.

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