SN 3.3 Jarāmaraṇasutta en français

Hello, this is a draft of a French translation of SN 3.3 Jarāmaraṇasutta. It is based on the English translation by Bhikkhu Sujato.

La vieillesse et la mort

À Sāvatthī .

Assis d’un côté, le roi Pasenadi dit au Bouddha : " Monsieur, pour quelqu’un qui est rené, y a-t-il une exemption à la vieillesse et à la mort ? "

"Grand roi, pour quelqu’un qui est rené, il n’y a pas d’exemption à la vieillesse et à la mort. Même pour les aristocrates, brahmanes ou maîtres de maison - riches, aisés et fortunés, avec beaucoup d’or et d’argent, beaucoup de propriétés et de biens, et beaucoup d’argent et de céréales - lorsqu’ils sont renés, il n’y a pas d’exemption à la vieillesse et à la mort. Même pour les moines qui sont perfectionnés - qui ont mis fin aux souillures, achevé le voyage spirituel, fait ce qui devait être fait, déposé le fardeau, atteint leur propre but, complètement mis fin aux entraves de la renaissance, et sont libérés par la compréhension juste - leurs corps sont susceptibles de se dégrader et d’être mis de côté.

C’est ce que le Bouddha a dit. …

“Les chars de luxe des rois s’usent,
et ce corps aussi vieillit.
Mais la vertu ne vieillit jamais :
ainsi le vrai et le bon proclament.”

Please feel free to recommend changes.


Merveilleux! :grin:

My French is rusty: achevé means “finished”, not “attained” right?

I know Bhante has “through enlightenment” here for sammadaññā but it’s closer to “through right understanding” in my humble opinion. :grin:

se briser is perhaps a bit violent for “perishable”? (Again, I’ll have to rely on the native speaker for the connotation).

A very faithful translation of Bhante’s English, but I wonder if the connotation makes it through. I read “nikkhepanadhammo” as more like “something to be cast off / put down / let go of / etc”. “[susceptibles] d’être mis au repos” sounds a bit passive to me… :thinking:


Hello Banthe Khemarato :pray:,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

True, although there is a sense of “accomplishement, atteinment” in it, however we could say “atteint” or “accompli”. “Accompli” also means “finished” but includes a notion of attainment I think, while “atteint le voyage spirituel” doesn’t sound right in French.

In respect to that I would not know unfortunately. In such case, a translation could be “correctement libérés par la compréhension juste”. I replaced “à juste titre” by “correctement” to avoid the repetition with “compréhension juste”, but I am not sure if “rightly” is meant to say “legitimatelly” or “correctly” here. Would you be able to advise on that?

“Se briser” is a little bit litteral, I agree. Maybe " se décomposer" translate it better?

What about “être mis de côté” or “abandonné”. These would be closer to your rendering of “nikkhepanadhammo”?


I point it out only to make a distinction between “achieving” the path, which means Stream Entry, and “finishing” the path which means the Arahant level (as is meant here). I hope achevé doesn’t cause confusion between these two :slight_smile:

Sorry! To be clear, there’s only one “samma” here. The full compound is “sammadaññāvimuttā” = “right-understanding-liberated”

Maybe se désintégrer?

:thinking: Sounds better! :blush:

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Thank you for the clarification. Then, I think that “achevé” would be accurate in this context , as in French this means that one has completed, terminated, finished.

Yes, this could work, although “se décomposer” would be more often used when speaking about the body, about organic matter. “Se désintégrer” would be more used when talking about inorganic matter.

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I think that the Pāḷi is more expansive than just the post-mortem decomposition of the body, but also points to the body’s tendency to fall apart as it gets old.

I see, in this case I think “se dégrader” would be suitable as the other translations we discussed before (“décomposer” and “désintégrer”) would apply to a body after death mostly, I think.

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Bonjour, hello,

J’ai reporté la traduction de SN 3.3 ci-dessus sur Bilara, et celle-ci est disponible à la révision.
En vous remerciant d’avance.

I brought the above translation of SN 3.3 to Bilara, and it is now available for review.
Thank you advance,