Sotapatti - hugh, what is it good for?

Not just talking to you @Mat. I also adressed @Charlie with his “I believe”, with no suttas to back up his sayings. But I also adress most of the people on this forum, if for some few.

Now, concerning you personally, in the instance of this thread and of your last posts, I think that @Gabriel 's answer was proper. And that your answer to that, was quite fuzzy (although true). With no backing-up with suttas’s extracts.

Jhana 3 and the 13th step of anapanasati are not arahantship, anyway.
The path starts indeed here, as stream-entry. So be more precise in your first answer.
And give more details in your second. We might all be better of.

Also, you seem to be coming a long way Mat.
I remember you saying that “this is not mine”, (one of the sotapatti requirement), was not an important Buddhist concept.

You know:
This is not, yours", because this is impermanent. And self is permanent. So it can’t be self; or even belonging to a (your) self.
Anicca as Impermanence and "Not-one’s-owness”.

“Not prominently”, you say !?!
But this is the basis of the path. The assurance of the right course (AN 10.103 /104). The assurance not to let that in , and appropriate it (viz. “what’s not yours”) .
No “bare attention” - No wrong course applies here.

This is where faith comes into play as stream-entry. Faith in this Dhamma.