Sujato/John Kelly Pali Courses: Resources

Do we know where/how to obtain course recordings?

Bhante said to contact Deepika … which I did do this week. But the links I finally received wouldn’t accept the passwords. She mentioned that she has been sending recordings to Sumana. @Sumana are you able to share the recordings with other people if we ask you?

Thank you, @BethL, but in reality, I may actually have done you all a disservice making these available. I found that just the act of creating them - typing out every single word in Pāli and English, in three separate grammar glossaries - really accelerated my own learning of vocabulary. Now, I’ve deprived you of all that fun! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi everyone, I have updated my example sentences taken from Warder lessons up to lesson 11 (the last lesson we studied).

The link is still the same:

Warning: the page will take a while to load as all the diagrams will be drawn by your browser, so it depends on the speed of your computer. My computer is over 10 years old, and it seems to take a few seconds before the page is displayed.

If you want any additional sentences to be included, let me know. Or, if you are really brave, edit the file yourself and create a pull request (no, I am not going to explain what this means, I barely understand it myself).


Sure. The recording link is only available for one week only though. I have downloaded a few lesson to my computer in mp4 format. If you need anything, feel free to let me know.


chuckles…no deprivation, believe me


Thank you. :slight_smile:
Overnight she sent the links again and now they work.

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I have the recordings for lessons 8 & 9 if needed. :grinning:


I have recordings of lessons 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 thanks to Sumana, acala and Deepika . Any of our classmates please feel free to message me to access those recordings.

We still don’t have 2, 5 and 7 so anyone who happens to have them please kindly share with us. Thanks a lot.



Dear Clarity,

I’m looking for Lesson 10’s recording, if you can share.

Thank you

Here is Bhante Sujato reading aloud the reading passages from Lessons 12 and 13, and a pdf with the text and Ajahn Brahmali’s translation and notes.

Saṇko - The Conch.pdf (972.9 KB)


Here’s and audio clip of Bhante reading aloud with pdf of text and Ajahn Brahmali’s translation and notes for lesson 14.

Warder Reading Passage 14.pdf (2.1 MB)


Pali special characters for Macs
(Yes, I know, why post this just days before the last lesson from Bhante Sujate??? Because there may be one other troglodyte like myself that didnt know) :slight_smile:

Option 1
for ā í ṉ ñ ņ ū ī ḏ … just hold down the “a”, “i” etc keys and various options appear!

Option 2 for more letters (e.g., ṃ)

  1. Press function key (lower left of keyboard, the one with a globe icon)
  2. Find characters you want to use (eg the left index has ‘Latin’ with many Pali characters)
  3. Select the characters one by one and click right “Add to favourites”

Then you can do either of these:

  1. When typing, whenever you press the function yet again, they appear!
  2. In word go to Tools then Autocorrect options and set it up using favourites (you can use “.” then “a” for “ā” for example then whenever you type fullstop a space ā appears!)

I am sure everyone knew all this but just in case there are other Amish like me…


Have we already covered (somewhere) why DPD does not list the aorist with the other tenses – you must always search for the aorist separately?

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Not a linguistic reason, apparently a constraint imposed by the GoldenDict software, acc Ven Snowbird.

I’m not sure exactly what you are referring to. In any case, the developer of the DPD is quite open to feedback. There is a built in form in the dictionary.

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Thank you, Gillian and Ven Snowbird! I’m attaching two screenshots to illustrate what I mean. Per Gillian, it has nothing to do with linguistics and that was my main curiosity. Apparently a known software issue.

Bhante (or others), I have yet to find a declension table that includes Warder’s demonstrative pronoun with the stem eta(d), including in Nyanatusita’s great lookup table. Warder provides nice summary declension tables on pp. 114-115 but doesn’t do this for the demonstrative pronouns. (Unless I’m missing it in the book; I don’t think I am). Why is this? :thinking:

Hi @BethL. It’s there (hidden) in the Nyānatusita Pronoun table - 2nd to last block on the page, where ta(d) 3rd person pronouns are. So, for all the so, taṃ, tena, … pronouns you can just put an e- in front of all of these and the declension is the same, eso, etaṃ, etena, …

Here’s that section of the table.

BTW, does everyone have the full Nyānatusita Noun and Pronoun declensioin tables? I can’t remember whether they’ve been uploaded here or not.

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Maybe it was @Khemarato.bhikkhu who said this?