They’re in the opening post (OP) at the top of this thread, along with other key references. John, perhaps you could review what’s there already and let me know if you would like more items added to this key position?
Probably not? But I did submit feedback to the developer that my preferred solution to this problem would be to split each verb tense into its own entry. Either way, yes, consistency would be great, I agree.
Can’t believe I sent out my husband a while ago to make A4 laminated prints of both charts
When the Warder glossary has roots instead of a whole word (for example: “memorize u(d)-(g)gah”) how does one search for that / turn it into a real verb (i.e. uggaṇhāti)?
cc @stephen (or anyone)
Ven @Khemarato, I’m afraid I don’t have a nice cut and dried answer, since forming the present tense from the root depends on the verb class. And I agree with you that Warder is extremely annoying to only put the verb roots in his glossary.
Fortunately, on pp.375-381 of Warder he has a table which converts roots to various tenses. Only trouble is, you need a magnifying glass to read it!
Here’s a copy of that table as a pdf, which you can blow up to any size you like.
Introduction to Pali_Warder verbs.pdf (2.1 MB)
I would strongly recommend to all, when learning Pāli verbs memorise both the present tense and the root together, e.g. gaṇhāti / √gah
I see. So on page 376, I look up “(g)gah” and find gaṇhāti … And to know how to add u(d)- to the front (with proper consonant assimilation (?))… Is there a chart somewhere for udg- → ugg- ?
Not that I know of. However, all issues of Pāli phonology, morphology, spelling changes due to internal and external sandhi, and everything grammatical in Pāli are well covered in the book A Pāli Grammar, by Wilhelm Geiger. And I think since the book was first published a long time ago (originally in German) and is out of print, you should be able to find it in pdf form online.
So you can only use his glossary if you already know Pāli grammar -_-
Thanks anyway!
I would definately usr another dictionary if possible.
PED gives
Uggaṇhāti [ud + gṛh]
I had the crazy idea when we started back in Lesson 1 to start keeping physical notecards. As a result, my verb cards are indexed by the root (with the 3ps present sing. conjugation a few lines below). This is forcing me to learn roots. It hasn’t been pleasant. Nevertheless, it is a particular learning strategy. Not for everyone and unfortunately depends on our precious trees.
apologies for an ignorant question
what is the full name of this dictionary [NCPED] in the DPD?
This New Concise Pali-English Dictionary is compiled by SuttaCentral from Buddhadatta’s Concise Pali-English Dictionary, updated and corrected from Margaret Cone’s Dictionary of Pali, then slightly modified by J.R. Bhaddacak.
Thank you. The definitions given on DPD under [NCPED] are easier to spot and use than [PTS], which is good but takes time to read.
That answers my question about the dictionaries that I asked in last week Monday’s class about the dictionaries. I now realise I wasn’t even asking enough questions. I actually have three Pali dictionaries installed in my Golden Dict app: DPD, NCPED and PTS & I had no idea what the NCPED was. Thank you for the clarifications John.
The PTS on the Golden Dict is lightly edited (eg removes correspondences with ancient Greek) and much better set out and easier to read as Dheerayupa says.
I have two Pali dictionary apps on my phone, and the one I find most useful is the Pali-English Dictionary, which combines AP Buddhadatta’s with that of the Vipassana Research Institute. The other is just called Pali-English and seems to be Buddadatta only.
Could you give me the link or show what the app looks like so that I won’t download the wrong app, please?
thank you, but it seems it’s not available in my phone’s country
This one is almost as useful
Did you type ‘Pali English’ in Playstore?
I tried with my hubby’s phone (Australia), but it didn’t come up, either…
I have the ‘P-E’ app on my phone, very handy as it has the concise Pali-Eng as well as the Eng-Pali dictionary. It is a bit sensitive of diacriticals however, which are hard for me to produce on my iphone. (U Chicago PED much more forgiving).
I have been unable to find it at the Apple ‘app store’ recently, I unsuccessfully tried to recommend it to a friend.