SuttaCentral 2021: bug reports here! 🐛

I can’t seem to use search at all. It thinks I’m offline.

Hey Anum, can you tell me what system and browser you are using? :pray:

2011 MacBook Pro with OS X El Capitan with Google Chrome.

I wondered if it might be related to having tried to download SC Offline.

Even though I finally got the app, I can only get through to pages that I have previously viewed. I can’t find the files for the suttas themselves even though I watched the download bar showing progress of having downloaded them.

Even when I closed the app, then went via the usual browser, I still couldn’t use the search function.

Wasn’t rectified by a whole system restart either.

I remember the last version of SC being especially difficult to get going offline and I just can’t remember how we fixed it.

Very glad and lucky to be able to use the beautiful new SC! :pray: :pray: :pray: Thank you for this miracle of our times _/_

sure this tiny one can be for later but jotting down in case i forget
The Pali in Sinhala may have caught a new phrase here and there
<ස්පන් ච්ලස්ස්=‘චොඋන්තෙර්’ තිත්ලෙ=‘චොඋන්තෙර්’>1
Noticed on AN 7.52 today, viewing the Pali in Sinhala alongside Bhante Sujato’s translation. using windows 10, chrome 89.0.4389.90

Grateful to have the dhamma-vinaya at fingertips _/_


Thank you for your feedback :pray:

This may be the reason for the cache, we have improved the caching strategy in the new version and you can visit to see if it works.


Hello Bhante @sujato,

You post, elsewhere:

However, many important entries in the CPED are omitted from the NCPED. Especially important are missing word forms, e.g., verb forms. prefixed entries, and compounds. Perhaps a long-term goal would be to review the CPED against the NCPED. I am willing to help with this, although it would take me some time. The review should endure consistent conventions (abbreviations, grammatical terms, etc.)



The dictionary lookup no longer lowers the case in URLs. This is a problem since copying and pasting is a common use case, and many word instances have an initial capital letter. For example, consider the following URL:


Ha!! This is span class=‘counter’ title=‘counter’ I tried to sound it out but of course that doesn’t work.


Hi Bhante,
I really like the new update. Far easier to navigate… however, clicking the ‘views’ button pops out a menu/layer without a background. (Safari 12.1 on OSX10.14.4)

in Chrome the same page the ‘views’ dropdown is working but my browser (Chrome Version 89.0.4389.90) is detecting as being a handheld device :woman_shrugging: (why is there no : monastic_shrugging : ?).

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That’s crazy, that shouldn’t exist at all, some bug in the code is producing it.

It works fine for me, can you define exactly the process that produced such a URL? Thanks!

The aim is to extend and correct CPED, so ideally that shouldn’t be the case. Can you give some examples?

That would be fantastic! We’re actually planning to extend the NCPED with reference to Cone’s latest edition of the Dictionary of Pali. I’ve been meaning to contact our original volunteer about this, but haven’t got around to it.


Hmm, looks like a safari bug, we’ll look into it. (BTW you can’t see a error in the console at all, can you?)

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Thanks @HongDa I gave that a go.

It got to 99% of download but then I got an error message saying it “failed to download requested files”, or something similar to that. The message disappeared too quick for me to actually read it properly.

EDIT: I managed to get the app, but it is the same problem that if I can only see suttas I have previously viewed online.

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Nope. No errors in console, but I can’t actually dig into the HTML at all. All I can see in the inspector is <sc-site-layout></sc-site-layout>which appears empty. I don’t know what kind of new fangled wizards you’re using!

Also, while I was waiting for the Sutta to load, it briefly popped up undefined

On the homepage, the SC logo has shrunk! (also in Safari as above)


This is not so much a bug, just inconsistent behavior…

  1. Navigate to a sutta of your choosing
  2. Click ‘Info’ - panel displays
  3. Click ‘Info’ again - panel hides

Rinse and repeat 1- 3 all day long if desired - happy happy joy joy.

Repeat steps 1 + 2 but this time:
      3b. Click anywhere in the sutta body, info panel hides
      4. Click ‘Info’ button again, panel does NOT display. :scream: Oh no! What to do?!
      5. Click ‘Info’ again, panel displays as normal

Similar behavior occurs for the ‘Parallels’ panel, but not for the 'Views" panel.

[edit: Chrome on Win10]

It’s at this moment I recall a sutta somewhere saying something like ‘a fault-finding mind will not find liberation’…so I’m not calling this a fault, merely a quirk.


As votaries of the dark path, we invoke the mystic powers of the Shadow DOM! May our page remain hidden from unexpected CSS cascades and, it seems, the feeble sight of Safari’s inspector! :woman_mage:


I’m getting only “undefined” for the translations that we recently published (MA 4-10). Here’s a screen grab of the inspector errors. I’m using Edge 89 on Windows 10.


Thank you for your feedback :pray:

I will find a MacBook to test it to see where the problem is :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for your feedback :pray:

This error will be fixed later :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for your feedback :pray:

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Hi, the new site is generally beautiful, and I’m so grateful for what you’re all doing here. Thank you!

I’m finding a bug that’s fixed by clearing the cache, but it’s happened a few times to me (on Safari 14.0.3 on OSX 11.2.3 on a MacBook Pro):

All front page article links (/introduction, /start, etc.) and basket links (/pitaka/vinaya…) open to blank pages, and search returns blank pages until cache is cleared.

Thanks & blessings!

Screen Shot 2021-04-01 at 11.04.19 AM|690x431

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I had been using the previous offline version of SC being totally unaware that there had been an update. However sincd few days ago when I found out and updated it I’ve been unable to get it to work offline.

I’ve cleared my cache, cleared all SC data, even fully wiped the Chrome app itself and still no luck. I tried CM Browser as well since somebody here said that was working but it has the same issue.

Here’s a screenshot. The navigation menu doesn’t show up when offline unless I browse around online first. And I can only access what I have previously opened when online. For example if I only open one MN sutta online I’ll be able to navigate to there when offline, but no other Suttas, Vaggas ˙ or Nikāyas.

I’m running latest Chrome on (rooted) Android 8.0. Digital Pali Reader works fine