SuttaCentral 2021: we are live!

Congrats! It does looks easier to navigate.

I wonder if it is possible for each sutta to have an additional link to discussion

See below, each sutta now has a to d, if e, link to discussion here can be added, it’ll be the discussion feature for each sutta where people after reading it can come here and discuss about it or see what others had said about it.

a. translations** in your chosen language

b. edition** of the root text

c. translations** in other modern languages

d. parallels** in ancient texts

e. discussion in discuss & discover

The linking process can be that each time there’s a discussion topic on that particular sutta, the people on the website backend can be notified via mention to add this link to the discussion link. So organically the discussions grows. Instructions to create a new discussion for a particular sutta can be that:

  1. Title of discussion is copy paste the name of the sutta.
  2. Do a mention to the people who can add the link to the sutta.
  3. Have some actual content contribution to discuss the sutta, not just “this sutta is awesome”, but more along the lines of “This sutta links to that other sutta, overall giving this impression,” or “what’s the meaning of this terminology in this sutta? Is there some contradiction here?”

Example: MN50 (The Rebuke of Māra): translation and interpretation queries
AN 7.64 kodhana (anger), case 3 of 7 unclear what is meant by “profit” or “loss”, and how exactly that sabotages what angry person wants

Translator notes can also be included there.

Just suggesting.