SuttaCentral 2021: we are live!

For me the “Side by side” and/or “Line by line” translation doesn’t work.

I’m using Windows 10 with a desktop PC, the latest version of Chrome, and a good internet connection.

I did an “Empty cache and hard reload” kind of page refresh.

I do see errors in the browser’s developer console but the *.js is minified so I can’t easily help you understand it:


Good news (for me):

  • I don’t get this problem with the Edge browser
  • The problem goes away in Chrome when I select one of the “Show notes and variants in segmented texts” as shown below – none of these options were initially selected by default as shown above

Even with this change I still see those error messages in the Chrome developer console.

I don’t think I see them in the Edge console (but I’m less familiar with its dev tools UI).

Edge reports several “issues” however, at least one of which may be important:

I think HTTP cache | webhint documentation is complaining about the filenames of your *.js files e.g. “main.js” and “946.js” – the thing is that each time you release a different version of the minified JS then it should have a different filename (because the old version of the JS is cached all over the placed, in users’ browsers and in proxies) – so a filename like “main-20210320-0903.js” would be normal, but a name like “main.js” seems to me to be asking for trouble – it means whenever a user reports a bug, the first thing you have to ask them is, “Could you please try to clear your caches and try again?” which is impossibly difficult for users.

This may be the same problem you were having.