SuttaCentral-Voice 2.0 released with new segmented German translations

I have a feature request!! But out of compassion for all the work the SCV devas are already doing, it’s (hopefully) only a small one! :grin:

Suppose that I want to listen to the first five Linked Discourses. I type in SN 1.1-5, click on play, and off I go! But after listening to Crossing the Flood, I’d actually like to meditate for a bit on the sutta instead of immediately continuing to Liberation. Of course, I could simply pause SCV. But I wonder, would it be doable to make a setting so that there is a configurable interval of silence between the suttas? For example, if I choose 2 minutes, then after every sutta there will be two minutes of silence before the next one begins. This way it is possible to do some “sutta meditation”! :smiley: :dharmawheel:

Perhaps as an initial feature (which doesn’t require changing the settings menu!), users can simply type SN 1.1-5, s=2:00 in the search field. SuttaCentral Voice will recognize s= as setting the “silence paramter” to some value in hh:mm:ss (hours : minutes : seconds).

I think the “silence feature” would work especially well if and when SCV allows users to make personal sutta playlists. :upside_down_face:

With much mettā :sparkling_heart: