SuttaCentral Voice: bug reports

Acchariyaṁ āvuso, abbhutaṁ āvuso! Oh, how incredible, how amazing! :laughing:

Wonderful! Thanks for all this hard work!

And so can I! :+1: :+1:


May you live to be 120. :pray::rofl:

I really am thank you.

Acchariyaṁ āvuso, abbhutaṁ āvuso! Oh, how incredible, how amazing! :laughing:

I shall share this good news with my fellow students in @johnk’s Pali class.

Thank you both very much. :pray:

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10 mins later … oh dear … Now back to the first problem:

It would not find anything for searches Mil3 and Mil3.1


Follow up question:
Is it possible to download a sutta or (better) part of a sutta yet? Eg Mn118.17.1 to 22.1.


Try reloading the page.

But … I just made a dire discovery: After reload, EBT-Vue3 finds indeed Mil 3.1.1, but—in translation only, not in Pali! If I set “text layout” to Pali only, it looks like this:

For good old Voice to find Mil 3.1.1 we would have to update version, not just content, @karl_lew. But that seems perhaps a bit too scary …? (On my machine which still has all the old versions of everything it works, but without Pali just as in EBT-Vue3, so not sure if it’s worth taking the risk to update version in Voice production. Still we have the backup server.)

Hmm … here too the answer is unfortunately No at the moment. Even at Voice’s best times, it has not been able to download parts of a Sutta, and by now EBT-Vue3 cannot download anything at all. Very sorry!

So still no good news for you to listen to Mil 3.1.1 in Pali! :cry:


I think with our current software, in order to be able to listen to Mil 3.1.1 in Pali, someone would have to make a segmented translation of it!

Not that hard perhaps, for the Pali learners? @Gillian? The translation wouldn’t have to be perfect, it could always be edited later on. Or it would also suffice to just take the existing translation and paste it into the respective Bilara segments.

I am talking seriously. This would allow the Pali to be played, even without translation. I’d be most happy to help you with the Bilara interface, if that seems a bit scary.


Let it rest! Perhaps I should just practice reading aloud!!!

Thanks so much for tutoring me in EBT-Vue3. It’s going to be valuable for me. :pray:

I will put this to @johnk we have a class tomorrow morning. :grinning:


Read it aloud once—next to a recording device! Then you can even share it with others!

I mean, it’s just this one text, isn’t it?


I just did that with Ven. Nyanatiloka’s and Ven. Nyanaponika’s German translation! :open_mouth: It should be out on EBT-Vue3 in about a week, if your patience is still going that long. :laughing:

You will just have to set translation language in EBT-Vue3 to German, then uncheck “show translation”—and there you go! Listen to Mil 3.1.1 Pali only!

But to be clear: I am not planning to do this with the entire Milindapanha. Well unless perhaps your kind wish will come true and I’ll live until 120, and am still in good enough health to do it. Then it might perhaps happen. :woman_shrugging:

Try a range. Sadly, we don’t yet allow the inference of Mil3 as “all of Mil3”.


Wow. :open_mouth: you may be the first to ask. Download doesn’t yet work in EBT-Vue3. In Voice we allow downloading multiple suttas as one but not parts of a sutta. We’ll probably not get to download until later this year. Our top priorities right now are:

  • replace Voice before it dies due to old age and unsupported dependencies
  • allow Dhammaregen to use EBT-Vue3 so that Ayya Sabbamitta can proceed with her newsletters.

I no longer download audio files myself since I prefer to simply listen to EBT-Vue3. However, Voice downloads do seem to be quite popular, so we need to enable downloads on EBT-Vue3.

Oh dear. It seems the software is loading legacy translations by Rhys Davids, which have no correspondence with segmented Pali. Ugh.

@Gillian, this use case is bigger than I thought. I fear that it is still not possible to listen to the Pali directly because we have a conflict with supporting legacy text. :scream_cat:


Which is exactly why I just made a non-legacy segmented translation of exactly one text, namely Mil 3.1.1. :rofl:

Will be online in about a week from now.


Oh. :thinking:. That will work. @Gillian could choose German to hear the…Pali.
This is serendipitous and hilarious. :open_mouth:


Learned a new word! :rofl: :+1:


I’m going to be a very happy language learner, listening to Pali and following the text in German.

Multitasking :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don’t let any of my questions deflect you from this important task. :pray:


There is good news on this front. :slight_smile: John Kelly teaches our small class and he shares his translation with us after each session. This means that in a weeks time I will have to hand a good translation of Belinda Pada 3.1.1 (with notes on the compounds, even) That I could start uploading once my new computer arrives. I would love to learn the Bill Laura interface if your patience will run to that Ayya. :pray:



Bill Laura is hilarious!

Ask your Pali teacher what this could mean—it’s indeed Pali, but spelled a tiny little differently!

(Oh well, you’re typing on a phone, aren’t you? I bet the autocorrection doesn’t know how to spell Pali … :open_mouth:)

Sure, my patience will run to that. But I’ll start a separate thread to get you set up in Bilara. I can’t do that all alone.

But in case we’ll have John Kelly’s English translation, I’ll definitely revise the old German legacy translation of Mil 3.1.1 and adapt it to my general style so it’ll be consistent with the rest of the canon. :white_check_mark:


I was dictating into the phone. I thought

was pretty good too. :laughing:
I could have corrected them, but hoped you might enjoy. :crazy_face:

Grateful for the link to :cat: :cat2: :black_cat:. :pray:


Wow! That is the best news!

This will be an excellent test case for the Voice applications. It will exercise our ability to support two segmented translations in the same language. Thanks for the heads up.

And it was also hilarious to read “Bill Laura” :joy_cat:


Not two segmented translations in the same language. One in English and one in German. Everything else, like Rhys Davids etc., is legacy.

One more reason why you actually should read Pali aloud and train your pronunciation. But I love all the efforts we are taking for you to avoid this! :laughing:


I was just looking for something to listen to while my eyes are recovering from surgery. And I need a lot more listening practice before my pronunciation will be anything like reasonable!! So I’m very happy to have EBT-Vue3 to be getting on with in the meantime.

The phone thinks I’m practising Polly, or Bali, or Paula, or parlay!!


Uncle Karl; this is wonderful. So many thanks. I’m thrilled. :pray: It works beautifully on my brand new Macbook and I am a happy little chook. :chicken:

But fyi, it appears to load on iPhone and iPad and I can hear the clicks, but when I press play there’s no voice on either. Three screenshots follow:

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