SuttaCentral Voice: bug reports

I can’t say anything on iPads or iPhones, but what I see from the screenshots, there’s no dotted line around the highlighted segments. I am not sure, but perhaps you try to highlight them even more by clicking into them so that a dotted line appears before pressing “play”?

But perhaps @karl_lew can tell more.

It’s so nice: I’d never expected that people would use German translations to learn Pali! :wink:


I’ve just opened Mil3.1.1 on my iPad with Ayya’s translation. When I click either of the play buttons in the audiobar, I hear Pali then German spoken.

If you hear clicking, that is good because that means audio is working.
If you don’t hear Pali, go to Settings | Audio and make sure that “Speak Pali” is checked. If neither “Speak Pali” nor “Speak translation” is selected, then only clicks will be heard.
(Perhaps we should always mandate that at least one of the checkmarks should be selected).


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Good idea. Going to add this to our list … :walking_woman:


I tried again and with regard to the iPad it was my bad: I’ve become so used to things syncing automatically across all my devices that I didn’t think to change the settings a second time. It now plays. :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

I am happy as Larry and full of mundane attachments.

With regard to the iPhone, after adjusting the settings there are still problems. Please don’t worry about them on my account. I don’t need to get it working on my phone. But for your information here are some screenshots

Re the above, when I press the second button from the left to play audio, that blue vertical appears. It is actually the whatsits at each end of a selection bar because the phone is trying select text! There’s a quick popup that I can’t capture which asks me if I want to copy or have Google translate it. I guess it knows I don’t read German! The German text is showing even tho I chose Pali!

Like I said, this is not a concern for me. If/when you decide to work with it I’d be happy to test improvements for you.


Thanks for reporting, Gillian. Indeed we won’t probably go for that at the moment, but I’ll simply add it to the list and Karl may look into it when all the more pressing issues have been resolved.

Thanks so much for all your patience! :pray:


@Gillian, we finally have full Pali support for untranslated suttas. For example, here is cnd1. Your course is probably long over, but this link may be of value for the future.


You underestimate my teacher @johnk - it won’t finish til the end of this year. After 3 years he intends starting with another group of beginners, besides taking over Bhante ‘s class at the end of the Rains.

Thanks for this good news.