SuttaCentral Voice v1.0.0 Released 😍


Thanks Ang. Sabbamitta!


I wouldn’t blame you if you haven’t been following this whole thread, over a 150 posts in just a few days! Most recently we’ve been talking about the joy of deleting things from the to-do list and in that connection I’m following up on this:

The fact of the matter is I don’t think it will get to be elevated on the priority list any time soon. So what I’ve done is made you a tres hacky fix (if, fingers crossed, you happen to use either Firefox, or Chrome) and will now be deleting this item from the back log.

You can copy and paste the contents of the scv-light-theme.css in the attached .zip into a new style for SCV—you can set it for “URL’s on the domain”, and obviously when the address switch has been accomplished this can be changed—using the Sylus plugin (Firefox | Chrome) to get the following:



As you can see, it’s not white, but it is light and you can further customize it to your own tastes (incidentally, :grin:, for those with ‘judgy-eyes’ noticing all those !importants and other mess (1) at this point I’m okay with conceiving of myself as more of a butcher than a hacker (2) the task at hand was merely to quickly demonstrate the option to ease my way to carefree backlog deletion).