The King in the Forest: The Buddha's Teachings to King Pasenadi Kosala

Once again, excellent anthology! I only noticed a couple things:

  1. A possible typo in MN 87 that I just posted here because it’s in the sutta translation itself.
  2. After the table of contents, when you include the copyright notices, the word released is doubled—under the copyright for the Udana translation.
  3. Very minor: I noticed in the title formatting that you put a period after the sutta number followed by the English title (for example, SN 3:23. The World) But, for AN 5:49, AN 10:30, and Ud 6.2, you leave it out (hence we have AN 5:49 The King of Kosala).
  4. Even more minor: You use a period in Ud 6.2 but the rest of the suttas use the colon formatting, e.g. SN 44:1