The mysterious unexplained disappearance of Kāya and Vitakka in the Jhānas by B. Sujato

I might be posting in the wrong thread. These passages aren’t describing jhāna. They’re just dealing with how ‘kāya’ and the ‘kāyasaṅkhāra’ in the first tetrad of ānapānasati is translated (and the strange variation of steps in ARV20).

ānapānasati is said to fulfill the satipaṭṭhāna (only the first of which is kāyanupassanā, the other three being vedanānupassana, cittānupassana, and dhammānupassā)

Yea, that’s also up for debate. I tend to think from my readings that the the pīti and sukha mentioned in ānapānasati is probably not referring to jhāna proper, but something more like training-wheels. Pīti and sukha are not exclusive to jhāna, they occur in many other places in the suttas.

MODS: my previous post might be more appropriate here: 一切 & sarva

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