The other way to final Nibbāna according to the suttas

Maybe you were interacting with many people so you lost track of who you are talking to. You also seem to not pay attention to which questions and answers that you were talking to me.

I am not in the position to defense any Ajahns or any tradition or any “annihilationist cessation” or any “eternalist citta”. I only follow the Buddha’s teaching.

The reason I spent my time to reply to you is only because what you said:

You brought the following topics up but I have never been in any discussion with you about those topic and I have never given you my answers for any of them.

This is irrelevant to current topic. You can make a new thread to discuss it. I won’t go into discussion for this side-topic because it will not bring benefit to either of us.

As my understanding, “Nibbāna equals being 100% unconscious” is NOT what the Buddha taught us.

As my understanding, “illuminating all worlds equally, and remaining motionless = Consciousness where nothing appears, infinite, luminous all-round” is NOT what the Buddha taught us as our goal either. There is a long thread about this topic, you can read more about it to understand why I said so. The OP of that topic is currently not available for further discussion so the case is still unsettled but its current status is not so favorable for such theory about consciousness.

I have same understanding.

I have same understanding. However, I don’t criticize the “nothing more” part as you do. To my understanding, “nothing more” means “no more of building up ideas, stop making up more theories”.

I think you can try to ask directly (and nicely, politely) what Ajahn Brahmali or any other Ajahns who said so - what he really meant with “nothing more” - before you put him into the same camp of annihilationist. To me, it’s fair that we should give the man the chance to explain before you pass judgement and execution too. I don’t think he is an annihilationist and I will have to wait for him to explain himself.

No, I don’t have that understanding. Deep sleep or unconscious state is NOT the same as complete extinguishment.

I don’t have that understanding that “one is unconscious in the Buddha’s teaching” for “ultimate extinguishment”. I do NOT have either the understanding that “one is conscious in the ultimate extinguishment”. To my understanding, “ultimate extinguishment” is outside phassa. Meanwhile, any theory about “conscious” or “unconscious” is within phassa.

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