The other way to final Nibbāna according to the suttas

What led you to the conclusion that ”in reality the sense of self is just an illusion”?

If something has been experienced, it has actually been experienced by the experiencer, right? Experiences and memories are very important things.

The current self has a duration that is conditional but the ”self” we happen to be right now is of course real, until we die and take rebirth.

There is a responibility for our deliberate actions and so on that determines what kind of rebirth.

I think people take it way too far with this ”not-self” thing, almost to the extreme point that the Buddha specifically warned about, namely the wrong view:

‘My self does not exist in an absolute sense.’

I disagree and the fact that Sāti, who even met the Buddha in the flesh, still came to his conclusions are NOT based on speculations.

On the contrary, his conclusions are only based on actual experience.

If one start to go through previous existences, ”here I was like this, then I died and arose there and was like that and so on and so on” you have a real actual experience of being an ”permanent self” - the only remedy for this is Paticca-Samuppada.

Mundane right view: ‘There is what is given and what is offered and what is sacrificed; there is fruit and result of good and bad actions; there is this world and the other world; there is mother and father; there are beings who are reborn spontaneously; there are in the world good and virtuous recluses and brahmins who have realized for themselves by direct knowledge and declare this world and the other world.’ This is right view affected by taints, partaking of merit, ripening on the side of attachment. - Every religion has all of this.

Supramundane right view can be summarized as wisdom:

“And what, monks, is right view that is noble, taintless, supramundane, a factor of the path? The wisdom, the faculty of wisdom, the power of wisdom, the investigation-of-states enlightenment factor, the path factor of right view in one whose mind is noble, whose mind is taintless, who possesses the noble path and is developing the noble path: this is right view that is noble, taintless, supramundane, a factor of the path.

The problem is that I made a whole thread about this but even got private messages telling me that I’m wrong and that all the groups mentioned in the sutta SN 22.81 are just puttujhanas and have nothing to do with buddhism.

Yet all these groups mentioned in the sutta do adhere 100% to NOT regarding form or feeling or perception or choices or consciousness as self.

They all obviously have mundane right view and can enter rupa loka and arupa loka.

Funnily enough in SN 22.81 the Buddha mentions how some reject eternalism but still hold on to this wrong view:

Perhaps they don’t regard form or feeling or perception or choices or consciousness as self. Nor do they have such a view: ‘The self and the cosmos are one and the same. After passing away I will be permanent, everlasting, eternal, and imperishable.’ Still, they have such a view: ‘I might not be, and it might not be mine. I will not be, and it will not be mine.’ But that annihilationist view is just a conditioned phenomenon. And what’s the source of that conditioned phenomenon? … That’s how you should know and see in order to end the defilements in the present life.

But no ”cessationalist-buddhist” seem to understand that he is talking about their specific wrong view. The sutta is about Nibbāna, as in ending all the defilments in this very life - which is what Nibbāna truly is since you don’t greedily relish the blissful feelings and perceptions in arupa loka but instead cool down.

Anyhow, cessationalists still claim all the things said in the sutta are only about puttujhanas. What makes one a puttujhana?

Not having the wisdom only found in the Buddha’s teaching.

The fact that the Buddha praises outsiders with exactly the same formula he now tells monks to give up, if they want to end the defilements in this life, says a great deal about how wrong it is to imagine one will somehow vanish 100%.