The six senses cease, is there nothing else?

Can you provide a Pali sutta reference for your idea that there is no dukkha nor samsara?

Again, this seems a later philosophical idea.

This thread is very helpful on this subject:

This quoted footnote by Ven Bodhi (for MN 22) is very helpful:

“The import of this statement is deeper than appears on the surface. In the context of the false accusations of §37, the Buddha is stating that he teaches that a living being is not a self but a mere conglomeration of factors, material and mental events, linked together in a process that is inherently dukkha, and that Nibbāna the cessation of suffering, is not the annihilation of a being but the termination of that same unsatisfactory process. This statement should
be read in conjunction with SN 12:15/ii.17, where the Buddha says that one with right view, who has discarded all doctrines of a self, sees that whatever arises is only dukkha arising, and whatever ceases is only dukkha ceasing.”