Translation of siṁsapāvane

Tatra sudaṁ āyasmā kumārakassapo setabyāyaṁ viharati uttarena setabyaṁ siṁsapāvane.
He stayed in the grove of Indian Rosewood to the north of Setavyā.

Bhante @sujato has translated siṁsapāvane as “Indian Rosewood”. The CPED says it’s murraya exotica, synonym: murraya paniculata.

For none of them I can see the name “Indian Rosewood”. Where does it come from?


It may mean different trees, but my Sanskrit dictionary says it refers to Dalbergia Sisoo, often called Indian Rosewood, so that’s the reason I translate siṁśapā that way, since it agrees with other sources and grew in northern India.


Ah, thank you! That might be the same source where Bhante Sujato has it from.

If the choice is between members of the Dalbergia and the Murraya genuses, I should think the former would be much more likely. Murrayas are rather small and a group of them would be more of a shrubbery than a forest. Since they wouldn’t provide any canopy it’s hard to imagine why bhikkhus would want to live in the midst of them. (Unless of course they’d been set a challenge by the knights who say “Ni!”).


Oh my goodness … ! Me who has never watched any such movie! :laughing:

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A handful of leaves: