Use of drugs for meditation

The framing was almost Ghandi-level calm considering. My response is collapsed as it's off topic, but I feel I need to say something.

My issue is not with your stance on drugs, but rather with on your apparent stance regarding mental health issues.

When I read this line…

…it sounds like you have an assumption that one too many parties is the most likely cause of schizophrenia. If you have time, I invite you to read the Wiki page regarding this, in particular the section on risk factors. Notably, we see a 70 - 80% hereditary factor with a wide range of epigenetics including prenatal development, adverse childhood experiences and social isolation. While it says those who have schizophrenia are more likely to use substances, the degree to which it contributes to a cause is less clear. Elsewhere it states “The relationship between schizophrenia and substance use is quite complex.”

Were someone following community guidelines, they would not speak of their personal issues - however statistically, we could assume there are members who are affected by mental health issues. Perhaps some of these people have felt completely alienated from society (including their own families) for decades, have tried all the things a reasonable person would try, and some that a reasonable person would not - all to no avail. Perhaps in 2021 they had literally just one spoken conversation of duration greater than one minute (that being with their hairdresser back in June covering such topics as ‘hows the water?’). We’re still blue-skying here - maybe they’ve spent their entire adult life feeling like they can interact with the people around them about as much as with those on t.v. (Unlike your video game thread, they cannot leap inside the tv). Now let’s imagine that they discover Buddhism which offers a genuinely new p.o.v, it sounds great in theory until they come across a robe-wearing representative of this organization saying…

I imagine that could sound very much to them like “It doesn’t matter whether you want to fit in, or even if you try really hard - you’re simply not acceptable, nor will you ever be.” While they’re staggering from that they read…

ngvitor gets it, the attitude’s can be:

^^ May sound familiar to B. Akaliko ^^

To my ear, you stop just short of saying “loonies keep out”. (double entendre there for the Cannucks).

Trust, of course, is a two way street.

I was hurt by your posts is the point I’m trying to convey.