Vinaya Doodles 😁

The pacittiyas for bhikkhunis only

(rules 57-64 of 96)

  1. Not inviting feedback on one’s behavior from both sanghas after the rains retreat (pavarana ceremony)
  2. Not attending the fortnightly teaching (ovada) or the patimokkha recitation (uposatha ceremony)
  3. Not asking the bhikkhus for the date of the ovada and the uposatha every two weeks
  4. Having a male doctor treat a skin disease below the navel and above the knees without a female companion
  5. Ordaining a pregnant woman
  6. Ordaining a breastfeeding woman
  7. Ordaining a trainee nun (sikkhamana) who has trained less than 2 years
  8. Ordaining a trainee nun without sangha approval (even if trained for 2 years)

There are 24 rules dealing with ordination in the bhikkhuni patimokkha — 1 sanghadisesa and 23 pacittiyas. (Bhikkhus have one rule.) So the next few doodles will be about ordination only… :sweat_smile:

(Updated 24 October 2019)