Vinaya Doodles 😁

The pacittiyas for bhikkhunis only

(rules 65-72 of 96)

  1. Ordaining a married girl who is less than twelve years old
  2. Ordaining a married woman over 12, but who has not completed two years sikkhamana training
  3. Ordaining a married woman over 12 with completed training, but without sangha approval
  4. Not assisting for two years a new bhikkhuni one has ordained
  5. Not following one’s preceptor for two years
  6. Not taking away a new bhikkhuni at least 5 yojanas (~50 miles / 80 km)
  7. Ordaining an unmarried girl less than 20 years old
  8. Ordaining an unmarried woman over 20, but who has not completed two years sikkhamana training.