Volpage in search

Hi @HongDa Really liking the volpage filter in search. Thank you very much. I wonder if might ask for a new feature? Sometimes the references given in books/websites are formatted something like S.II,236 and when I copy and paste I have to replace the non alpha-numeric characters with a space. Any chance of having the filter do that for me automatically? Many thanks


Hi @stu no problem, I’m going to add this feature :smile:


Thanks HongDa. So using this feature a little more today, I’m going to massively ‘push my luck’ with another request (which might not be feasible) :smiley:

In the follow screenshot we can see a search result which is correct.

PTS DN i 87 is the first PTS number in DN3, and PTS DN i 90 is also in DN3. So that’s great, all works really well. I can go to DN3, go to my preferred Bhikkhu Sujato translation and then do a find in page for something like 1.90 and I arrive at the correct place.

But I wonder if it would be possible to list all PTS numbers in that sutta, and make the PTS number on the right hand side a link to the right place in the sutta. So one of the search results would be something like this:

DN3 Ambaṭṭhasutta PTS DN i 90

Now I’m not sure that this request actually makes sense, as I’m specifying that I’d like Bhante Sujato’s translation (I only speak English) in the search results, and that might not be very flexible for other users, but I thought I’d run it past you.

Many thanks for reading this far, and thanks again for the awesome search. It’s definitely improved my workflow today. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for your valuable suggestions. :+1:

I checked the database, your suggestion is achievable, I will include it in the plan :smile: :pray:


Thank you so much for your hard work. It’s a great blessing!


You’re a star! Thank you once again


Hi @HongDa

Me again :rofl:

Most of the books and documents that I work through have sutta references only, but from time to time I get quite a lot of vinaya references in a book. I was hoping that if I put something like:

volpage: Vin IV 1, in the search, then I would get a link to this card:


Am doing it wrong, or is volpage restricted to suttas only? Is there another way?


Hi @stu

Yes, only Sutta is currently supported, but I will expand it, it is currently planned :smile:


Vin IV 1, corresponding format in Suttacentral is PTS 4.1
So I will make some necessary conversions so that I can query related records. :smile:


Hi @stu In response to the above requirements, I have made corresponding modifications to the search, and it has been published on Staging, try it when you have time


ps: please do a hard refresh for the new features to take effect.

I’m looking to see if it’s possible to link directly to the relevant translated text in certain languages, for example if the site language is English, then link directly to Bhante Sujato’s translated text.


I’m looking to see if it’s possible to link directly to the relevant translated text in certain languages, for example if the site language is English, then link directly to Bhante Sujato’s translated text.

Hey @stu I have implemented the feature and currently in case the site language is equal to English the translated text of Bhante Sujato is opened by default

Currently supports searching vinaya’s volpage


Hi @HongDa,

When I do a search, such as:
volpage:mn i 25
I get a long list of suttas. I can scroll down to find the one I want, but I’m curious what’s causing this.


I’ve reopened the GitHub issue as this seems to be broken

The only answer I have is that it’s broken.


Thanks. It does locate the right sutta (MN5), but gives a lot of other unrelated suttas.


Yes, but I call that broken. Especially since there is a good chance the person trying to use those citations won’t know exactly sure what they are after. The citation is not ambiguous at all. There isn’t even any reason for it to be giving a list of all the other pages in that sutta. But that may be a design issue not a bug.


Yes. It didn’t work like that last year when I was using it many times a day. It was much more specific I think. Maybe a bug has crept in


Ok, great. Good to know.

You wouldn’t happen to remember when it stopped working like before?

Do you remember if just putting a citation like mn1 into the search would take you directly to that sutta when you pressed enter? It’s a different issue, but I noticed it today. I thought that used to work :confused:


I last used it around September last year when I had a PTS heavy project on, so it was since then I believe. It always gave multiple results but it was quite useful in that I got the result(s) I wanted at the top and it also gave me a clue as to which Sutta I was actually after when it spanned multiple suttas. It was very useful

I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever tried that


Thanks @mikenz66

Let me check!


Hi @mikenz66 I have fixed this problem.