Volunteer translators needed for SC interface ✍🏽

In an attempt to find folks who may be able to help with interface translation, I searched the forum and found these users who might be connected with languages we need. If you aren’t interested, please just ignore this message!

If you are interested, please take a look at the first post and let us know what you can do. Or if you know someone else who could help, please let them know.


@Clarity, @VietnameseValerie, @purifiedpalisutta


@bengalurubhanteji, @Adhisila1 @barua910, @barua123, @AdhisilaBhikkhu, @Subrata11, @Nava

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But don’t we have the Vietnamese interface?

The last updates have been made in “unpublished” two days ago, but as it seems they have not yet been pushed to “published”.

Thanks to @phineas-pta, I think.

The devil is, as they say, in the details. If you open the interface file, you can see that there are 38 items translated. Thanks to your diligence there are now 366 items in the complete file.

If they like to work on bringing the file up to date that would be marvelous.

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Here is a Japanese Interface. I will start using Japanese Interface, and if I find some better translation, I will post here.
This is the best method of proofreading, I think.

So sorry to have taken such a long time.
Sadhu sadhu sadhu.


Excellent!!! It looks great. And I just now noticed that you have already published some of your own translations of the AN. That’s great!

This is all set to be published over the weekend and should appear by Monday.

I agree that the best way to proof is by actually using the interface online.

This marks 16 languages with the interface (more or less) translated. Thai is actively in process, with the first part already finished. Four more are already in the works so when all that is finished we will have the 20 Bhante @Sujato suggested as a goal completed in less than a year.

Thanks everyone!!


sorry i havent touched translation recently, so which file i have to update ?

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No worries! Lots has happened with the interface since you first did your work. And actually this week Hong Da is making some big changes with how the internationalization is organized on the site. Perhaps when you are finished, @HongDa, you could let us know and then @phineas-pta can start doing translation.


OK! The interface files have been reorganized and they are ready to be translated. These are the ones that need attention (kind of in order of priority):

view option_translation-vi-site

If you don’t see any of those files, then we may need to loop in Carmi or HongDa.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

(Just FYI: Most of these used to be found under interface. They are just split out now for convenience.)


Thought I would announce that with @trusolo’ translation into Hindi, Marathi, and Gujarati we now have 20 translations of at least part of the interface. Plus English, of course.


Big thanks to everyone who has helped so far.


Wonderful! Thank you, @trusolo and everyone! :pray:


And also Bhante @Snowbird for coordinating it all! :pray:


With the help of @sarana and Mr. T.V. we now have 21 translations of the interface in addition to the English.

I could still use your help, @phineas-pta, with the Vietnamese.

And it would be great to have translations of the following in case anyone is interested or knows someone who may be:

  • বাংলা Bengali [8259]
  • Català: Catalan [554]
  • Lietuvių Kalba: Lithuanian [225]
  • Magyar: Hungarian [410]
  • Română: Romanian* Slovenčina: Slovak [259]
  • Srpski: Serbian [402]

The number in brackets indicates how many text translations exist on the site.


sorry i have been busy a lot lately, i’ll try to make some time to edit

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Thanks! Let me know if you need any help.

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