Volunteer translators needed for SC interface ✍🏽

@HongDa, can you help with the difference?


The difference is clear.

But I don’t know where the words show up in the UI.

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Yes, I know the difference between the two modes is clear. However translators need to know the context in which the text is appearing.

Also, if folks could take a look at this thread to share thoughts on the use of “parallels” as a button label.


The Comfy button and the Compact button are two different buttons, but in the same position, the English title is also spacing. When the Comfy button is pressed, the Comfy button is hidden and the Compact button is displayed. When the Compack button is pressed, the Compack button hide and show the Comfy button.

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Great. In other words, it’s a toggle button where the icon changes but the label does not. They aren’t really two different buttons, just the same button with two different states. And the states both have the same label.


Just wanted to bump this thread in case there are folks with language abilities that might be able to work on the untranslated interfaces.


@chyasaro, I saw your other post and was wondering if you would be interested in translating the interface into Thai and or Lao. You can read in the first post here to see what is involved.

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For all those who have already done interface translations: There are again some updates (addition of new lines) in the interface file; more to follow probably.

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Yes, for folks who just edited the original file, we don’t have a good system for updating with new segments. But if anyone who has done a translation would like a list of what they are missing, please just let me know.


All those things that have been added to the “interface” and “home” files since this post can now also be translated and will be saved correctly in the repository, since just now the Bilara server has been rebooted.


I’ve created a web app to check to see what is missing in specific languages:


Without this it’s hard for folks not using Bilara to see what still needs to be done. Unfortunately there is no way to publicly automate the google translate. So if anyone needs that, please let me know.


You’re incredible! You see something missing, and you just go ahead and build it!

Let me express a great THANK YOU to you for all the help you generously offer to the SuttaCentral community!

:pray: :pray: :pray:


@Snowbird, brilliant, this will be really helpful. Thank you so much for that :pray:

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As a Bilara user, you should get a notice when new items are added to the internationalization files. Although I’m not sure if that is working yet.

Well, if I don’t have projects to do then I will quickly forget the meager coding skills I picked up during Covid times. It’s fun and low stress to work on these little independent projects. And of course without translators like you using Bilara I wouldn’t have anything to work with. I hope my humble projects inspire people to do more things with the data.


That will only be in the new version.


OK, so in that case, I have added the option to select which site file to check:

I don’t know if this will be actually that useful since I don’t think those other pages frequently have individual items added. But any way, now you can check those files.


It seems that all of this (the SuttaCentral internationalization framework) isn’t documented anywhere in the SuttaCentral or Bilara-Data wiki pages? Perhaps worth adding there? :pray:

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Well, what you see me doing here in this thread is kind of renegade/one off. This kind of work is really supposed to happen within the Bilara software.

What did you have in mind?


I am imagining some bilingual potential-volunteer going to the SuttaCentral GitHub page looking for information on how to contribute.



Apologies. I can’t find where the thread for the Thai translation of the interface is. so, I need to use this thread. Hope it’s ok.

@kora and I have finished the translation with a question on some items.

Please check the link here: Thai SC Interface - Google Sheets