What do you think about Ven Thanissaro’s view on Nibbāna?

Hiya Preston!

In English, yes, I would have to concede, I’d say. (Though there are some things that I could respond with.)

But in Pāli there is no word for ‘nothing’ and it literally says “something else will not exist”. In my view there is not a “something else” apart from the six senses, so it’s wrong to say that it will not (or ‘no longer’) exist.

This sutta is just the tettralemma rephrased: will exist, will no longer exist, will both exist and no longer exist; will neither exist nor no longer exist. Unfortunately this gets lost in the English; it’s pretty obvious in the original. Well, to me anyway. :smiley:

Didn’t we go over this before or was it somebody else with a P icon? :slight_smile: