Wisdom (Bhikkhu Bodhi) Pali Canon on sale thru 25 May 2018

Yes, it still very much on the roadmap. In fact I had a discussion just yesterday regarding funding for this.

But it will be a little time before we do a complete edition. First Ven Brahmali will finish the Vinaya, then that will be proofed. Meanwhile I am revising the Theragatha and aim to complete the remaining early books of the Khuddaka.

We are thinking about two different kinds of publishing. One will be conventional free distribution, printed and distributed by Budaedu in Taiwan. This would be on a per-nikaya or per-book basis.

The second would be a “Legacy” edition, a full cloth-bound hardcover edition of the entire set of Pali EBTs. We would fundraise for this first and print at least 2,000 sets. They would then be available for the cost of postage.