2019: The Year in Review

Top #Q & A Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
For the Venerables in the forum: What is the wisest way to spend the nissaya period? 28
Where can I find the embarrassing questions that were/are asked of prospective bhikkhunis? 23
Chinese Translations vs. EBTs 22
What are the rules on how to wear a robe? 19
(In)finite number of beings 17

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
For the Venerables in the forum: What is the wisest way to spend the nissaya period? 20
Early Chinese Buddhism - A big picture 18
Looking for general quotes, that summarize or portrait the wisdom of the eigthfold path. 11
Bhikkhuni Patimokkha Manual 10
Looking for Peer-Reviewed, Open-Access, Buddhist-Studies Journals 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Is it ok to take some alcohol occasionally? 53
What is the meaning of Akāliko? 46
(In)finite number of beings 45
Samadhi as unified awareness or specific awareness 40
Three-fold classification of the physical 40

Most Popular

User Topic Score
For the Venerables in the forum: What is the wisest way to spend the nissaya period? 30
Did King Bimbisara ever go to war? 24
How big was the Buddha's alms bowl? 23
Looking for general quotes, that summarize or portrait the wisdom of the eigthfold path. 23
Chinese Translations vs. EBTs 23

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Systematic & Structured Approach to Buddhism 6
Learning the Pāṭimokkha 5
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