2020: The Year in Review

Top #Discussion Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Another take on Satipatthana and Jhana 102
Are the early suttas against the view that mind is an emergent property from the body? 102
The thorny issue of anatta 93
Does God(s) Exist and Does it Matter? 76
Are Chinese Agamas less reliable than Pali Nikayas? 72

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Average Word Length as indicator of Pali text age 36
Towards a complete directory of Dhammapada Parallels 28
A course on the Itivuttaka 24
Impact of being flooded by 'catastrophic News' on mind states and meditation 17
Sutta memes as images 16

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Another take on Satipatthana and Jhana 223
The thorny issue of anatta 200
Does God(s) Exist and Does it Matter? 196
Are the early suttas against the view that mind is an emergent property from the body? 141
Are Chinese Agamas less reliable than Pali Nikayas? 127

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Average Word Length as indicator of Pali text age 38
Towards a complete directory of Dhammapada Parallels 33
A course on the Itivuttaka 31
Relationship between Sila and the Brahmaviharas - What did the Buddha say? 27
Impact of being flooded by 'catastrophic News' on mind states and meditation 27

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Discernment challenge 😎 29
Why Secular Buddhism is Not True 21
Polak's Reexamining Jhanas 20
Limitations of the EBTs 19
Are the early suttas against the view that mind is an emergent property from the body? 16
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