KN Snp: English, V.Than., PL Passed :)

Nope. All I heard was probably from the same SCDD post you saw, that SC had some agreement with people to do professional recordings of all of Bhante @Sujato’s translations, but it wouldn’t be soon.

All of the recordings are licensed creative commons with free non-commercial redistribution, so SC is free to link to them if they wish, and I hope that they do. All the audio files themselves are hosted on so I would expect the links to them would never go stale.

Whereas, if it can be made redundant by SC or anyone else, I’d be happy to retire that website.

Audtip = audio tales in pali.

Originally, it was short for audio tipitaka, but after I learned a little bit more about Abhidhamma pitaka, it occurred to me it’s really strange that it’s designated as if it’s on the same level or hierarchy with the 2 other pitakas (Dhamma & Vinaya).

I hope that the entire body of Suttas and Vinaya gets audio recorded without any participation from me, but as long as it hasn’t happened yet, I’ll continue to audio record whatever sections that interest me, and not already have existing recordings that are reasonably usable and free.