Discussion for Bilara users

I can’t further edit my post above, so start a new one here.

  • goat butcher: AN 3.99 → AN 3.100 on SC

  • gold, ingot: Dhp 229 → Dhp 230 on SC

  • goldsmith, purifying gold: AN 3.100 → AN 3.101

    the links shouldn’t be given in this form:
    <a href='an03.100.1-10'>AN 3.100 (i-x)</a>, <a href='an03.100.11-15#goldsmith'>AN 3.100 (xi-xv)</a>,

    but rather
    </span> <a href='/an3.101'>AN 3.101:1.1-7</a>, <a href='/an3.101'>AN 3.101:1.8 ff</a>

  • goldsmith, crafting any kind of article: DN 11 → DN 10 on SC

  • gong: Mil 2.3.14 → Mil 3.3.14 on SC

  • ground far from the sky: This simile is given as SN 5.10, but I can’t find it anywhere, not at SN 5.10, nor at Snp 5.10, neither SC’s nor AtI’s which are different. We should perhaps remove such items from the list.

  • hands clapping: Mil 2.3.8 → Mil 3.3.8 on SC

  • heartwood, not-self: SN 35.193 → SN 35.234 on SC

  • hooks: SN 35.189 → SN 35.230 on SC

  • horse, thoroughbred, Jhāna: AN 11.10 → AN 11.9 on SC

  • horse, unbroken colt: AN 11.10 → AN 11.9 on SC

  • house, fireproof: SN 35.202 → SN 35.243 on SC

  • house, flammable: SN 35.202 → SN 35.243 on SC

  • house, with poor roof: AN 3.105 → AN 3.109, 110 on SC

  • Illness, man recovering from: DN 11, DN 12 → DN 10 on SC (the other two don’t have the simile here, possibly due to abbreviation in the MS)

  • Inscription in rock or water: AN 3.130 → AN 3.132 on SC

  • Iron ball aflame, eating or swallowing an, restraint: Dhp 307 → Dhp 308 on SC

  • island, refuge in Dhamma: Snp 2.10 → Snp 5.11 on SC

  • ivory carver: DN 11 → DN 10 on SC

  • jail, person thrown in: AN 3.99 → AN 3.100 on SC

  • king, hearing a lute: SN 35.205 → SN 35.246 on SC

  • king, seeing no danger after victory: DN 11 → DN 10 on SC

  • lake, person stranded in the middle: Snp 5.10 → Snp 5.11 on SC

  • lake, spring-fed: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • lamp, in a dark house: Mil 2.1.14 → 3.1 15 on SC

  • line drawn on water: AN 7.70 → AN 7.74 on SC

  • loan, man taking out a: DN 11, DN 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • log in a stream: SN 35.200 → SN 35.241 on SC

  • lotus, pond, jhāna: DN 11, DN 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • lute, disassembled: SN 35.205 → SN 35.246 on SC

  • magic show: Thig 14 → Thig 14.1 on SC

  • man, repaid by king: Mil 2.3.9 → Mil 3.3.9 on SC

  • man, seeking heartwood, not-self: SN 35.193 → SN 35.234 on SC

  • meat thrown into a fire: AN 7.70 → AN 7.74 on SC

  • mirage, the body: Thig 14 → Thig 14.1 on SC

  • moon, waning: SN 5.10 → remove link, as the simile can’t be found, not in SN 5.10, nor in Snp 5.10, neither SC nor AtI

  • muñja grass: this simile exists only in Thanissaro’s translation; Sujato has “let me gird myself” in that place (Snp 3.2:16.1) → as Thanissaro’s translation isn’t on SC, this item should be left out

  • mural painted on wall: Thig 14 → Thig 14.1 on SC

  • murderer with sword, heedfulness AN 7.46 → AN 7.49 on SC

  • ocean, crossing over the: SN 35.187 → SN 35.228 on SC

  • ox, eating corn: SN 35.205 → SN 35.246 on SC

  • ox, joined by a single yoke: SN 35.191 → SN 35.232 on SC

  • pastures: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC

  • pit of embers, sensuality: Thig 14 → Thig 14.1 on SC

  • poison, man drinking, volition: Mil 2.3.11 → Mil 3.3.11 on SC

  • polished shell: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • pool of water, clear or muddy: change link <a href='an01.45-046'>AN 1.45-46</a> to <a href='an1.41-50'>AN 1.45-46</a> for SC

  • pool of water, in a mountain glen: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • potter or potter’s apprentice: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • prison, man released from: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • raft, eightfold path: SN 35.197 → SN 35.238 on SC

  • rafters of house, defilements: Dhp 153 → Dhp 154 on SC

  • rain, sent by devas: AN 7.70 → AN 7.74 on SC

  • rams butting heads: Mil 2.3.8 → Mil 3.3.8 on SC

  • reeds or rushes, drawn from their sheaths: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • reflection of one’s face in a mirror, mind-reading: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • riddle-tree: SN 35.204 → SN 35.245 on SC

  • ridge-pole of house: Dhp 153 → Dhp 154 on SC

  • river, carrying everything with it: AN 7.70 → AN 7.74 on SC

  • road, eightfold path: AN 11.18 → AN 11.17 on SC

  • salt, in water: AN 3.99 → AN 3.100 on SC

  • seed, capable of sprouting: AN 3.33 → AN 3.34 on SC

  • seed, rotting in a field: SN 5.10 → SN 5.9 on SC

  • shack, flammable: SN 35.202 → SN 35.243 on SC

  • shadow that never leaves: Dhp 1 → Dhp 2 on SC

  • sheaf of barley thrashed repeatedly: SN 35.207 → SN 35.248 on SC

  • shore, far, nibbana: SN 35.197 → SN 35.238 on SC

  • shore, far, external sense media: SN 35.200 → SN 35.241 on SC

  • shore, near, self-view: SN 35.197 → SN 35.238 on SC

  • shore, near, internal sense media: SN 35.200 → SN 35.241 on SC

  • slavery, man freed from: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • snake, pulled from its slough; DN 11 → DN 10 on SC

  • sound of drums: DN 11, 12 → DN 10 on SC

  • storekeeper: Mil 2.3.10 → Mil 3.3.10 on SC

  • stream, sinking in the middle of: SN 35.200 → SN 35.241 on SC

  • stream, snared by a whirlpool: SN 35.200 → SN 35.241 on SC

  • stream, washed up on high ground of: SN 35.200 → SN 35.241 on SC