In defence of the Brahmā gods

Yet this ”cause of Samsara” also made it so that there is only pleasant contacts in Rupa Loka / Arupa Loka with zero suffering (that it will come to an end is the only suffering) and disciples of The Buddha can stay in such realms its entire duration (billions of years) and then extinguish themselves. So ”the cause of Samsara” did a pretty good job! :+1:

Brahma is a conscious being, while what you refer to is not a conscious being. :wink:

The whole point of the Sutta MN49 seems to be that this thought of yours is not legit !

They become individual names of Brahmās in the Buddhist tradition.

Several Brahmās are given with their individual names according to the Brahmā Samyutta of SN/SA. The individual names of Brahmās are a new creation, not shared with the Vedic tradition. These changes reflect not only the ethical messages of early Buddhism, but also the early Buddhist adaptation of Vedic religious beliefs about deities (devas) in general, and their application to one particular type of deities – Brahmā.

What is “the original Buddhist Canon”?

Mara is a little useless demon. Let it go. The Buddha defeated Mara and his armies upon attaining Enlightenment.

Fun thread with interesting possibilities.

My understanding gleaned while letting things dribble in and sort themselves while not paying particular attention. (Plausible deniability)

  1. The whole stack of being(s) is subject to Samsara.

  2. The law of karma is impersonal and conditions without malice…

(although I often attribute malice to the results of this process, ie: what presents itself to these aggregates of mine. Particularly while using the internet to conduct important business. Various phone based customer service softwares, VRUs.

Always thought that was good old projection, magical thinking, ideas of reference…
but i just. Dont. Know.

I have also shown that in the sutta’s the whole of samsara is considered as Mara’s realm.

This Dhamma isn’t easily understood
By those afflicted with lust for existence,
Who flow along in the stream of existence,
Deeply mired in Mara’s realm. (SN35.136)

Why would one see the whole of samsara as Mara’s realm if he has not power to rule?

Now the question is, does Mara only rule over kama loka?

What is the reason, what is the cause that you believe Mara only rules over kama loka?

You refered to jhana. Mara is temporary blindfolded in jhana. Oke, but that is no indication Mara rules over kama loka. Those people or beings that come out of jhana are still not protected and safe for Mara’s tricks and power.

So, after refuting your argument, what is next to support your view?

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You have not refuted a single thing, please understand actual cosmology as in actual planes of existence and the nature of these planes of existence.

If we take this:

“This Dhamma isn’t easily understood
By those afflicted with lust for existence,
Who flow along in the stream of existence,
Deeply mired in Mara’s realm.

Even advanced monastics can have lust for both Rupa Loka and Arupa Loka.

It happens to be two of the five higher fetters.

This has nothing to do with Devaputta Māra.

Mara in the sutta quote above should be read as: ’Deeply mired in death’s realm.” - Major difference.

You claim you have read all suttas regarding Mara, but seem to have missed that Devaputta Māra is situated in the highest heaven in Kama Loka.

I have no clue why you claim this evil being has access to all planes of existence and is superior to good beings who have wisdom, ethics & metta etc.

Maybe, do you have a sutta reference?

You have not given yet any reason why Mara cannot do this.

Do you think Mara knows Nibbana? If not, can he really know how to prevent beings from attaining Nibbana? If he does not know Nibbana why does he so fanatically hinder people to attain it? How can he judge all this without knowing Nibbana?

Maybe. Mara in the sutta’s is sometimes metaphorically used, and sometimes as a being who is the leader of community of mara’s. This is very common in the sutta’s. Also becoming, birth, etc. can be taken metaphorically and literally.

I have not seen a statement in the sutta’s that Mara is not able to leave kama loka. At least he can visit the realm of Maha Brahma. The texts suggest that he knows the higher realms and praises high rebirth as bait.

Mara is also consider as the greatest power to overcome:
'Keep to your own preserves, monks, to your ancestral haunts. If you do so, then Mara will find no lodgement, no foothold. It is just by the building-up of wholesome states that this merit increases.
‘Monks, I do not consider any powers so hard to conquer as the power of Mara. It is just by this building-up of wholesome states that this merit increases.’ (DN26, Walshe)

Having cut off all underlying tendencies
that follow one drifting in Māra’s domain,
those who attain the destruction of the taints,
though in the world, have gone beyond. AN8.29

I remember hearing or reading sowhere that Marā is part of the highest realm (which was what I meant when I used the word “superior”, which was not a good choice).

B. Bodhi mentions in a lecture that there is Pali commentary that says that Marā revolted against his father in the highest realm and forcefully took control from him.

Will keep looking and maybe be able to post.

For a disclaimer, this does not mean that the Ven. Bodhi would be of my oppinion on this subject or that I claim that he is.

I see quite a lot of what seem to me literal interpretations and elaborations ascribing substantial existence to the various beings in the suttas. Are we sure that the Teacher intended such literal interpretations and ascribing substantial existence to such beings?

This thread sure does remind me a lot of passionate arguments kids have (and quite a few adults :joy:) whether batman could beat up superman and so on.


cf. (04:52, beginning from 03:08)

Overruled :joy: :pray:


Yes he can enter the Rupa Loka realms that corresponds to the first jhana but he does not yield any power in these rupa loka realms at all. To use flattery in a deceptive manner is hardly having superior power.

He also influenced people so they praised monastics in hope of reactions of delight from monastics, or that people would disrespect monastics in hope of reactions of anger from them.

There is still 17 planes of existence above that he does not have any access to.

And it is not like Māra has total dominion over Kama Loka either, do you really think such devas as Yama and Sakka are under the spell of Devaputta Māra and somehow run his errands? No way.

Think of all the great humans this very day Friday May 24th all over the world, like doctors or nurses, who have saved lives.

Or all who have given to charity this day.

Or all the blissful dreams/insights/experiences people had last night around the world.

There are plenty of great people worldwide who are intelligent enough to not want anything to do with violence, hate, racism, intolerance or all the things pertaining to immense greed and who do not belong to various groups in society who represent these very things.

Fools on this planet are under the sway of Devaputta Māra but far from everyone follow those paths of greed and hate.

So please don’t make it seem like the personification of delusion who uses manipulation and lies have total dominion.


And the healthiest approach is getting rid of the evil in one’s own mind.
To purify all those negative traits instead of looking for an outside enemy.

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You say that but what are the reason for you saying this. In 2017, i saw, i investigated Mara and how the sutta’s talk about Mara. Ofcourse i saw that Mara is seen as some inhabitant to highest realm of kama loka. But i also saw i wrote that i did not find a sutta reference for this. Maybe i overlooked. But do you know the reference?

What is the reason and cause you say so?

Rāhu is the foremost of those with bodies,
Mandhātā, of those enjoying sense pleasures;
Māra is the foremost of rulers,
blazing with power and glory. (AN4.15)

Meals for Mara, mjammie :blush:

Almost none. If pressed, if family is treated, their children not violent people become demons.

It is exactly what the sutta’s teach. Not even Buddha has more power to rule then Mara.

Yes, and still it seems we must not be naieve about external forces and influences. Evil beings. Dark energies.

Personally i think these rule the West. And buddhism cannot root here. Not deeply/
To much resistance. All the world seems to become more and more oriented on sense-pleasure.
On fulfilling needs, ego. Mara is cleary the strongest.

Mara is temporary, unsubstantial, fleeting, and in the scope of all things, less than a piece of dust, much less. Less than a piece of dust on the mind. All of these allegories and metaphors to mara’s ruling are like clouds that will dissipate and remove themselves from the view of the sky as you open your mind to the full Enlightenment offered by Siddhartha. Mara is a nothing, his grip is his own grip, he is deeply caught in it, in the web of his own lies. Do not be the same. Instead, attain Enlightenment and follow the Ways of the Elders. Namaste.

Probably you also know that Padmasambhava was confronted with strong external forces to establish Dhamma in Tibet. Maybe you think there are not external beings?

Absolutely! Nobody is praising Mara. (Or no Buddhist at least)

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Mara is allegorically similar to the ghastly material world’s delusion in Samsara in Sanatana Dharma traditions called “Maya”. Maya can literally mean illusion. Or “that which is not”. So everything contrary to the devotional principles to Buddhism would be considered this Maya, or in Buddhist terms, mara (though of course there are other meanings and interpretations of the word Maya). So of course we are naming mara as this vast entity! There is so much going against Buddhism in the Saha World. But we cannot argue that Buddha hasn’t overpowered mara. Buddha has attained Enlightenment, so the hosts of material nature, and mara, have all been defeated. According to an Ekayana ideal, all phenomena from the very first have of themselves contained the marks of tranquil extinction. So all beings will become Buddhas, according to the Ekayana. So Buddha won, not mara, and Buddha has all the power, mara has none. Mara only has weakness in his governance, and his weakness is his evil, so he has already failed. Buddhahood is the Way.

In practice, look at it in all honesty, how long can one be not hungry for this or that experience?

Hunger for sensual pleasures, hunger to debate…hunger for this or that experience. Hunger, hunger, hunger. Hunger for pleasure, hunger for respect, hunger for adventure, hunger to battle, hunger to exist, hunger to become, hunger not to exist and cease, hunger, hunger.

Oke, we might think we are so peaceful, so dispassionate…sure…

when are bellies of full of delicious food, we have had our portion of sex today, we are healthy, kids go well, our house is not flooded, our smartphones and tv’s give our daily enjoyment and distractions…