Māgadhabhāsā (Pāḷi) – A Compendious Grammar on the Language of Pāḷi Buddhism (Second Edition, Revised)

There are no plans to reveal the identity of the author on the book cover. “A.” stands for “anonymous.” Singular “Bhikkhu” indicates that it is a single author.


Thank you so very much for this and all your hard work @Thanuttamo. Very much appreciated! I downloaded from academia.edu, so those precious funds of yours can be kept to assist more precious things than me.


No problem, we would try sending a physical copy over if there are enough and if you like. The revised edition isn’t online yet, but I plant to share it later.


Thank you so much. I like that you intentionally gathered together valuable things that can otherwise only be found spread around here and there. And the way you organized it so people can go to sections to assist with present goals while advising us to keep in mind what broader goals we may have and how your work as a whole is to be assistive with that.

If you don’t mind, I may end up doing something like directing a hard copy to my supervisor as a gift. She has a very great reach and would be able to appreciate the gesture. If that would be fine, let me check on exactly her office address at Simon Fraser to send it to her. And we can take it from there.


Very well; I would be glad! Thank you for the feedback too. The book, in fact, also contains material not found elsewhere so goes beyond a compendium, actually.


Would it be easier to have a PDF. Then there is no shipping costs.

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Sure, it will also be available as a PDF, but we offer also physical copies since it may be the preferable option in some circumstances (libraries, personal preference etc.).


If it not too much trouble can I get a physical copy too.

I tried my hands learning Pali couple of times but gave up early.

My mother knows Pali well. If not for me it might be useful to her.

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Sure, just let me know your address, and we will happily try to send it over, for your or your mother’s use. :slight_smile:

Blessings on the publication! I too would be happy just for the PDF link when available.

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Nice work and nice wish.

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Can you please send me a PDF via DM. I will share it with the community and see if this is something we want for our libraries.



Where and how can I send you the information you need? Do you have an email address?

With mettā,

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Click on his name above his message and a window will open. Then click on “Message” at the top right of this window, and you will be able to send him a confidiential personal message with you details in it.


I enjoy using the pdf of the original version, so - if possible - could you sent me the revised edition by PM?

Thank you. And many sadhus to you for disseminating A. Bhikkhu’s work.

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Thank you, I already sent a private message.

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It’s an incredible piece of work, congratulations.


Wrote your address down! :+1:

Thank you, bhante, for the feedback. I am very grateful for your pointing out the flaws of the first edition relating to typography; it made a big difference. :pray:

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BTW, I just noticed the following:

International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST): ṃ

While IAST is normally understood to employ ṃ, the agreed convention was in fact ṁ.


Thanks for the reference and notice, bhante! :pray:

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