Online Pali Courses

Pali Course by A. P. Buddhadatta

Also includes Part III, which was known as Higher Pali Course for advance students.
You can find it here.


I am also a Pali student. Working through G&K with Bhikkhu Bodhi’s recorded lectures available online. I don’t have any particular timeline for completion of my studies in Pali. It’s something I enjoy but refuse to let myself get too exasperated by my slow progress.

I also have some reprints of early translations from the PTS. That’s an interesting exercise in comparison with more modern translations. Earlier translations, such as those a hundred years or more ago, are replete with Victorian and Edwardian perspectives. That’s really instructive and remind me of something my head of school at university once said; that we cannot but see religious texts other than through the prism of our own time and place.

Enjoy your Pali studies.

with metta



@stephen Sas presents, on behalf of Bhikkhu Bodhi as mentioned above, a very excellent Level 1 Pali course here:


Found this way of learning Pali Pali Learning - Thamanay Kyaw Sayadaw | Tathagata Meditation Center when searching for tulyattha + liṅgattha (subject & predicate, a.k.a. Equational Sentence [G&K]) from [How to Read and Understand Aṭṭhakathā - YouTube]

Thanks to Ṭhānuttamo Bhikkhu on FB OCBS Pali Forum: a new textbook (possibly the same one mentioned by Bhante Sujato during the recent Sutta Nipāta readings (Snp4):
“Here’s the link:
It is also on and the Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary website in case you can’t download it via”

I got it from Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary website


Below is a link to 3 Pali courses developed by Bhikkhu Bodhi, with Level 1 taught by Stephen Sas (as shared by Gillian).

There is a new textbook by Bhikkhu Bodhi, based on his Pali classes for SN. It is called:

“Reading the Buddha’s Discourses in Pali: A Practical Guide to the Language of the Ancient Buddhist Canon.”
At Amazon you can Look inside to see a part of it. You can buy it online either as Kindle or as hard copy.

The 3rd level Pāli course is ongoing, currently reading MN and Snp.


@stephen Sas also has classes on the second half of Gair & Karunatilake on YouTube. The playlist is here.


Here’s info about a new Zoom class starting soon: