Please report any errors or typos!

Thanks, this is fixed. It was a bug in how the IDs were made. We have tested and checked these a variety of ways, yet still this eluded us!

Are you sure about that? These are all excellent, and now fixed.

Both: sarassati is pali, sarasvati is sanskrit. It’s one of those cases where the sanskrit form is probably better known.

No, they are current. Where a translator wishes to indicate that terms have been added, we represent that. I don’t recommend it as a practice, but t is possible to do.

Thanks, fixed. And I also fixed an inconsistency in the subject of the sentences

Well, the compound could be read either way, but if it was “one perceives not-form”, then it would imply one was perceiving the formless realms, which is obviously not what is intended.

Indeed. The segment breaks often fall on natural breaks in the text, but not always. We can’t predict how a translator might handle this, so it needs to be done in the client. @karl_lew, perhaps we could configure the playback to add a gap at the end of the segment only if it ends with punctuation?

Well, this is an interesting one. I notice that I had not been consistent, so I have fixed that now.

The Pali is tidiva, literally the “triple deity”. Ven Bodhi has “triple heaven”. But it is really just a poetic abbreviated form, probably archaic, for the tavatimsa, or “Gods of the Thirty Three”. In fact, the origin of this lies in the very ancient conception of the godhead as a trinity. As time went on, the “three” gods were multiplied to a “super-three”, i.e. “Thirty Three”.

So literally it would be the “Gods of the Three”. But since it is a simple synonym of Tavatimsa, I use “Gods of the Three and Thirty”, lending an archaic and poetic flavor to the translation.

It’s hard!

Actually no, it seems we have a problem in processing the lists correctly. Check

And also
