Report bugs for the new site here! 🐛

Thank you for reporting @calvin_sad!
The Theragatha was recently moved to the segmented files. When I go to the file I notice also that in paragraph 4 and 6 there is a * in front of the sutta. I had taken those out over 1.5 years ago! So I wonder if a very old version was used to create the segmented files and not the updated version. @Sujato?

This is the code that was removed a long time ago that generates the *:
<span class=\"cross\" title=\"(gāthā 676--678) ^dhp273-289#274.1 [273. " "Pañcasatabhikkhuvatthu/274. Aniccalakkhaṇavatthu]-301 | ^ne4#1 [Vibhaṅga/ " "Desanāhāravibhaṅga]\" id=\"note311\">*</span>

The code from May 2018 is here: sc-data/thag15.1.html at 506063e970e3fda65c266265f6c5fcdcc6dce605 · suttacentral/sc-data · GitHub

There you see that that cross-span is no longer there. So how come it re-appeared?
I think the segmenting needs to go over too because the var tags are still there and obviously some other things that did not segment right.

I added this to this issue because it is caused by the same bug:

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