Report bugs for the new site here! 🐛

This information is accessed through the vertical menu (three dots) in the toolbar.

This is the “discussion” icon on the toolbar.

This should be controlled by the browser, not the website. Personally I think most fonts on the web tend to be too small, and prefer to err on the larger side, out of consideration for users with less than perfect eyesight.


Hi Bhante,
Tks for your reply. I do appreciate it is better to err on the larger side.
However, what I am reporting is that apparently changing the font size settings in the browser is not changing the way things are rendered in an Android phone.
Hence, my humble suggestion is that either that optionality is brought in or whatever is stopping the browser from changing the size the text is rendered is relaxed.

Hi, I’m trying to reply to my new friend awarewolf on my oppo a57 (Android) in a feedback board I created called knowing and caring and even when I turn my screen sideways the stop msg is not readable. It is way off to the left. I imagine the site is PC friendly and a new member gets only a certain number of reply’s a day?

Two issues with # referencing

Chromium 65.0.3325.146 (32-bit)

Jumping to bookmarks above current bookmark invokes banner that covers the first part of the paragraph, jumping to bookmarks below works as expected:

steps to reproduce the issue:

Viewing suttas side by side formatting is broken for links with # reference:

steps to reproduce the issue:

  • enter SuttaCentral to browser: OK
  • Enable side-by-side view: OK
  • enter SuttaCentral to browser: para#2 should be focused and highlighted but instead it is only focused; it is para#1 that is actually highlighted (and broken into columns)

Also SuttaCentral doesn’t seem to point anywhere in the text (para#19 is directly followed by #para21 in the sutta); same for #23 and probably there are more?

This could be more serious than I first realised: If Bhante @Sujato’s wish of modern sutta referencing (by paragraph in the original text and not by volume/page in printed books) is to become a reality this must be spot-on from the very beginning; once the links are created and posted online it would be nigh impossible to fix this afterwards (as similar problem with old sutta URI’s shows)

This is not a bug—probably I just didn’t find the right place to look for it: Is there any explanation about the search functions on the new SC main site?

I tried this the other day on a very old Kindle. The font-size did indeed not change by changing the browser’s own settings, but I could zoom in and out.

I suspect this is very difficult. It has to do with Google’s Polymer and the only thing I could do is file a bug-report with them. Not all browsers support Shadow Dom sufficiently yet.


The toolbar is retractable, which means it disappears when scrolling down and appears again when scrolling up. So occasionally it will happen that the toolbar is down and above a certain area to be highlighted; just slightly scrolling down will adjust it.

This is on purpose where the Pali has been abbreviated when it is a repetition of the text.
For instance, will work and there you can see the text that was abbreviated. You can also see it in side-by-side or line-by-line views.

Can you be a little bit more specific. What are you looking for exactly? The search button you can find at the top of every page but I’m pretty sure that’s not your question.

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On the old site there was somewhere in the descriptions about how to use the site a chapter about search functions. It explained what you had to do if searching for one specific word, or a combination of words, etc. An explanation what to type into the field at the search button in order to get specific results.

I only discovered that shortly before the new launch and didn’t use it often enough to remember all the features explained there. I found it quite useful.

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The old site is still available on Can you point me to the right page exactly? I think I know what you mean but just want to be sure.
Note that the search capabilities are not optimal yet and we are still working on it.


Yes, sure, the old site is still there of course!

it’s in the “Help” section, The “Search” Function:

Waiting patiently until the search functions will be optimised on the new site too! :grin:


Thanks. I think we have a ticket for this already somewhere so will add this to it.


Most of that help page is, unfortunately, out of date, even for the old site. But it would be nice to improve the search functions, and the discoverability of how to use them.


For some reason when I try to access the Samyutta Nikaya on my iPhone or on Safari, it crashes the browser–as if there are just too many entries. It works fine on Chrome.

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Hello! While using the app on my tablet is fine, so far, using the browser on my phone creates this:

There seems to be no ability to scroll the screen to get access to the controls above the area in which one is typing.

At the end of a thread, at the last post, the gear icon and post number obscure the buttons for editing, etc, unless you use panorama screen view.

I’m using the latest Chrome and Android 6.0. Hope this helps.

Oh, and the little hamburger-thingys are all mashed together and hard to figure out.


Copy-and-paste related strangenesses:

I wanted to cut and paste the English text you see highlighted here (and not the Pali):

…and the Pali got highlighted also. Fair enough. Then I copy and pasted it into LibreOffice 6. Only the Pali pastes for some reason:

…then I paste it a second time, into a plain text editor:

The Pali and Engligh both got pasted. Strange!

I was grateful that the Pali diacritics came across flawlessly.

When I turned off side-by-side English and Pali, and highlighted just the English, then when I tried to copy and paste into LibreOffice, nothing would paste!

I was able to get it to paste only by right-clicking the LibreOffice document (where I wanted to paste) to open a “Context Menu”, then I selected “Paste Special -> Unformatted Text”. Then and only then the English text would paste (as seen in the 2nd paragraph below)!


The problem is probably that you try to load the entire SN, which is gigantic. Click on the little right-arrow next to where it says Samyutta Nikaya and you get a submenu, also with submenus in there.

I have disabled the possibility to actually click on those links that load an entire huge collection but it is not yet passed to the main site. Hopefully in the next few days.


For using the forum on a phone, I would first of all recommend using the Android or iOS app, downloadable from the appstore. Also, if you find this theme does not work very well on your phone, simply switch back to the old theme in your preferences.


This should not happen if you disable side-by-side view and just use the normal view to copy the English. But reading your post a bit further … I had to try it out and indeed in LibreOffice it does not copy. It works to copy it in a plain text editor and indeed copy the unformatted text.
Note that the same thing does NOT happen for Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translations (or any other translations).

This is probably because the segmented texts from Bhante Sujato’s translations and the Pali texts are marked up very differently from all other translations to facilitate all the special functions (pootle files). Each segment is in it’s own separate Shadow Dom.
In this it is very different from the other translations, which are marked up in plain HTML.

My guess is that sophisticated text editors like LibreOffice are not able to understand this type of markup. Plain text editors just use the innerText property.

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Interesting. Thank you!

My fiddling around did end up with the useful result of the Pali and English being nicely separated into paragraphs. Note how in the text editor screenshot above, the English and Pali get interwoven in a way that’s hard to read, and hard to work with.

The paragraphs being separated in LibreOffice makes it easy to make a simple table, then put the paragraphs side by side again:


That’s great. How did you do that?
Maybe we should get a “copy sutta” thing similar to the “copy parallels table” that results in copying the sutta text in a plain html-table. LibreOffice is able to read that (when you tell it to import from html).
And maybe a page with instructions for all this :smile: