SuttaCentral: bug reports

This thread is for reporting perceived bugs about SuttaCentral.

Continued from here.

For any new post/report, it would be great if you could please add some info related to:

  • browser type and version number
  • OS
  • device, if mobile
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At some point Bhante @Sujato had asked that for bugs folks should start a new thread for each bug, since they often required quite a bit of back and forth. Is that not still the case?


I don’t have a strong view on it, but yes, bug reports often have a lot of back and forth, unlike say translation fixes. But never mind, let’s keep it here for now. We can branch discussions if need be.


Somehow the elided text is taking up space. I did a hard refresh on the page. I’m on FF. I don’t see it on Chrome.


It seems it might be because internal elements are set to block

.verse-line .translation {
  display: block;
  hyphens: none;
  margin-left: 4em;

Disabling the display:block solves part of the problem.

Changing the p tags to inline fixes the rest of the gap. Strange.

At the bottom of there is a link to which returns a “Search: undefined” message.

If I manually enter it works as intended.


Dhamma Greetings to whom it may concern,

Cant get offline to work; get network fail error.

Have tried on two computers. The main machine testing on is

  • windows 10, Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044
  • Browser 1 Firefox Developer 110.0b9 (64-bit)
  • Browser 2 Chrome Version 109.0.5414.120 (Official Build) (64-bit

Load 50 or 80 percent or more than fails. Same on refresh cache. If I can post a log or find a way to work out what the problem is that would be good.

Metta in Dhamma

a Quiet Bhikkhu


Also it is windows laptop not mobile. Note this has been an ongoing issue I have failed on an old andriod, on a computer and now this laptop, over three months on different internet connections and locations, on different browsers.
I have had not once succeeded in this time. And it is kind of cumbersome to try as takes a long time to download and clear cache.
Looking forward to find out what this issue is.
Blessings in the Buddha-Dhamma,
Metta and Peace.

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Dhamma Greetings,
Is there a developer whom can be contacted about this? I am still getting Network Error. Is any one else experiencing this? I have tried multiple computers, browsers connections and devices/ nothing is working to get offline working.

Many Thanks

I’ve never got the offline function to work. I haven’t tried for a while though.


Bhante @sujato the thread has been updated with all the notes I could find, maybe the developers can find the problem now.
With Metta,
Quiet Dhamma

Errors seem to be in 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js related to the above
Sutta Central Bug Image 3

Ok I mananged to find the log

Bhante @sujato (Dhamma Greetings Bhante) Is there a developer that could look at this? Or any other logs that are needed I am happy to debug. I have been trying for months now, havn’t got it working.

Many thanks.
Quite Dhamma.

8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1          GET 500
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1 Error
    at _handleErrors (8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1:7057)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.catch (async)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1          GET 500
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1 Error
    at _handleErrors (8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1:7057)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.catch (async)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1          GET 500
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1 Error
    at _handleErrors (8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1:7057)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.catch (async)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1          GET 500
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1
8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1 Error
    at _handleErrors (8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1:7057)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.catch (async)
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
n @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
defer @ 3309.bf17e7b05ccde1ac2edc.js:27
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
_cacheAllItems @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
(anonymous) @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
Promise.then (async)
makeOffline @ 8238.f7c5c20c1c7dde5e7f37.js:1
handleEvent @ main.eabf9bae4b8f43ea9530.js:203
c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1

Hi Bhante, :pray:

It never worked for me either, and I tried it every other year since the feature was first introduced. It has always been an experimental feature, I belief. Nobody seems to know why it works for some but not others. (If you do ever get it to work, please give me nudge.)

The legacy version has almost everything I need, though, and it works fine offline. (download here) Use it together with epubs of the translations, and you got almost all the content of the website offline, even though in a different format.

Let me add here also as an official bug report that installing the offline version makes the site significantly slower, in Firefox on Windows 10, even if the offline function doesn’t work.

See here. Snowbird had a similar problem. Clearing the cache fixed it for both of us.


Appreciated Ven @Sunyo , hopefully this bug can get sorted.

Thank-you for the offline information, I didn’t realize it was still accessible. The main reason I like the offline app is the line by line pali /english though, for those of us who arn’t so good in this area.

With Metta

But you can also see the bilingual presentation online, can’t you?

Click on “views” at the top right, then select “siede by side” or “line by line” in the second column.

Thanks for that, I have used that. My only really purpose for the site, is if the offline feature would work, I prefer to not have the internet for extended periods, so the offline feature as it worked at the start of the site, would be great.

Just seems to be not many people can get it working, and its meant to be a major feature of the site.

I have saved out a few suttas, with line by line for translation, but would be useful to have offline feature working, so the site can be used in an environment with no internet.

Many thanks anyhow.

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Oh god, please no, it should have been sunsetted long ago. It’s full of errors and old data.

doing a niche thing on a niche system. Hate to say it, but I strongly recommend Chrome for PWAs.

See my comment here:

Meanwhile you can try:

See discussion here:

But it seems to be still a work in progress.

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