SuttaCentral: bug reports

Small problem with the Myanmar interface. The text does not wrap in the footer headings:
Broken in FF

Seems to work in Chrome:

I know that for some reason you don’t support Firefox, but it may be the case that Chrome is more forgiving, in which case it is better to try to get it looking correct in FF. Not sure if that is the case in this situation, but I thought I would point it out.

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I am having difficulty with the search functionality. It’s lead to me searching for sutta content elsewhere before coming back to SC to actually read it.

An example would be searching for the word “extremes” in hopes of finding something like SN 12.15 (i.e. “Avoiding these two extremes…”). When I enter the text in SC’s search, it takes me predictably to the following URL: SuttaCentral but with no results.

That word is certainly found within the sutta itself, so this seems to be a bug. I can reproduce the example with other words, but not all words. Searching for “sariputta,” for example, brings many results. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong, however. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hi StewartUlm,

Welcome to the D&D forum! We hope you enjoy the various resources, FAQs, and previous threads. You can use the search function for topics and keywords you are interested in. Forum guidelines are here: Forum Guidelines. May some of these resources be of assistance along the path.

If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding anything, feel free to contact the moderators by including @moderators in your post or a PM.

trusolo (on behalf of the moderators)

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@HongDa, I found a bit that hasn’t been i18n’ed yet:

It’s the “Help” and “close” buttons as well as the whole help box text.


Looks like @HongDa has fixed this search bug. Thanks for reporting! And thanks to HongDa for fixing!


Thanks @StewartUlm @Snowbird
Sorry for the inconvenience. In the latest deployment, I needed to delete the contents of the database and reload it. Then I forgot to index the search content, resulting in the inability to search for relevant content. It has been fixed. :pray:


Thanks for the quick fix, @HongDa!! :bowing_man:t2:


I just noticed that on the page, changing the site language does not change the language on the download button until you do a refresh of the page.

For example, I am looking at the page in English. I see the line:

By default your suttas will be downloaded in the site language. If you would like to choose a different language, select one from the menu.

So I go up and change my site language to Myanmar. The language of the page changes, but look at the download button:

If I refresh the page it then actually shows that the download will be for the Myanmar texts:

I have no idea what language texts would be downloaded if I didn’t refresh. Doesn’t really matter since the language should be changed on the button.

@HongDa I’m guessing this is a similar issue to the icon labels not changing when changing site language.


Thanks, let me check that :pray:


Small css problem. Same on FF and Chrome:


Setting min-width: 9rem; seems to fix it

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When viewing the German language page, I see this:

  1. I don’t think it will make sense to users what “site (156)” means.
  2. (16) by itself seems like a bug.

We have a similar unlabeled entry on the English page:

Also on the English:
It appears that Bilara translators are being displayed as their ID instead of their name

Since this might be complicated and is probably low priority I created an issue for it: Various problems on Languages pages · Issue #2964 · suttacentral/suttacentral · GitHub


I created this issue for this problem: Link to "giving" search broken on Donation success page · Issue #2992 · suttacentral/suttacentral · GitHub

Can you confirm if this problem has been solved?

Can you confirm that this is fixed now? It seems to be.

This issue created for this: Old link to downloads page leads to blank page · Issue #2993 · suttacentral/suttacentral · GitHub

This appears to be fixed. yay!

Should be fixed with this pr: Fix broken link to pdf by thesunshade · Pull Request #252 · suttacentral/sc-data · GitHub

This might be better put in a parallels bug thread.

This is still broken. @HongDa, I created an issue for this: Footnote file is missing in MN Epubs · Issue #2994 · suttacentral/suttacentral · GitHub

This looks great now!

I created this issue for that:

Can you confirm if this is working now?

@HongDa, I can confirm that on FF Desktop I have the same issue. I’m guessing there is something going on with this line:

Like there is some CSS telling it not to wrap the ids? Notice how the word “And” is stuck there on the end. I can see the usefulness of keeping them together with the next word, but maybe this is a breaking edge case?

Should I create an issue for this?

@HongDa It looks like there was much discussion but this never got fixed.

This is still broken.

Bhante @Sujato, I think I have either created issues or summarized existing problems above. Perhaps you like to close this thread and start a new one?


Thank you, I will confirm and deal with them one by one. :pray:

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It looks good to me. I got the sutta card.

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Therer’s a different error now. Donating and then clikcing the link below now returns me to:

0 search:resultsFor undefined search:inSelectedLanguage

Yes, it seems to be fixed now. Thank you for coming back to these and checking all these old issues! :pray:

The Pali test in general is much smaller overall, sutta or vinaya, and I always thought this is by design.

But in fact it seems to be rather a Firefox thing, for on Chrome it looks like this:

Still a bit smaller, but not so much.

However I got stuck when I saw a Pali word within the English part of the text, and this too was so small; this is where I thought it must be a bug. But in order to check how this is now I would have to scroll through many rules, because I don’t know exactly where such a case occurs.

But if none of the developers has done anything about it, it should still be as I found it.

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I’m using Firefox (122.0) and inline Pali looks perfect. That’s why I asked.

Search! Search! We’ve got a search feature! If you search for sheepskins, goatskins Then you get a single result. (sorry, I should have shared this in the first place) :Kd5.13.13.5

Thanks so much for testing! It appears that Hong Da has this working now on our staging site. You can try if you like:

By the way, I noticed the hu in your link. If you speak Magyar, we’re looking for someone who can translate parts of the website interface. Please send me a DM (click on my profile icon and then click “Message”) if you are interested or know someone who might like to help.


For me it’s this:

And that was probably the place where I originally saw it.

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I should add: I also have the latest FF version installed, but it’s on a different operating system. I am on Ubuntu, you are on Windows probably.

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Not sure if this has already been flagged - the downloads page is empty. Tried it in several browsers, same result.