SuttaCentral Voice v1.0.0 Released 😍

So, in the other thread, I wasn’t joking (well, except for the converting to Christianity bit): I found the expanded MN1 a challenge, but I also think it has real genuine potential for benefit.

I think before making a decision we should consider how likely will it be that we’ll get round to doing any more expansions (Karl is it now just MN1 and DN33 that are expanded? I know from a question I asked Bhante ages ago—well before SCV was even a twinkle in your eye—that expansion can be prohibitively complicated, but equally the task is not something outside the realm of ‘reasonable to consider’; Karl, from your previous look at this, would you say there are easier and harder cases to expend (that we might pick off the easy ones), or that it’s all just difficult?)

If there is some chance that others might be expanded then I think option 2 would be better. If not, given that one of the most awesome things about SCV is its power to lower the threshold of entry to the suttas, on balance, I think we’d probably have to go with option 3; but not before allowing anyone interested in the expended suttas to download them (eg Gus has expressed the value of the expanded versions in the other thread), and therefore for now we should go with option 1.

So there we have it, all three options!
:dolphin:   :dolphin:   :dolphin:
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