Attā and anattā real meaning reveal in the sutta

I have found a sutta “MN 35 The Shorter Discourse With Saccaka - Cūḷasaccakasutta” which compare “attā” with that of the “vaso of anointed king such as Pasenadi of Kosala or Ajātasattu Vedehiputta of Magadha”.

Please pay close attention to the text from the verse 11.8 to verse 13.3 which describe what “attā” is compare to “vaso”.
[vaso : and (vasaṃ) Wish, desire; will, authority, power, influence , control, mastership, ownership.]

I think this is the best example to understand “attā” and “anattā”.

Please download the file in PDF format to read the sutta in A4 size or A5 size.

The verse 10.7 of MN 35 was replaced with my own translation to accomodate the real meaning of “attā”.

The last three suttas is for establishing the meaning of “attā” and “anattā”.

Much metta.

atta [singular] with control, in-control, with essence, ultimate truth
anatta [singular] without control, not in-control, without essence
attā [plural] with controls, in-controls, with essences, ultimate truths

This is what the document has to offer.


Anatta does not mean there is Atta.

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Indeed. It means the opposite. Hence the “an-”.

Iconic. Aniconic.