Here is some list of Venerable Brahmali's teachings in Written form. Where can I get more resources?


After making some googling, I’ve got some items for the list.
And, the question is:

More resources?

  • especially articles, books, transcripts, essays

Below are some I have found:

  • Included
    • books,
    • articles,
    • writings,
    • discussions,
    • topics,
    • transcripts of audio/video
    • direct conversations (from seemingly reliable sources - may be hard to confirmed)

  • Not Included
    • presentation slides
    • audio or video
    • someone’s interpretations of venerable (apart from some rare ‘direct conversations’)

Some list:

The three items marked by    #     are most probably identical. The same is true for    ^^    .

Symbol Shared to this post by Post referred
*V(1) @Viveka Ref. Post-a
Ref. Post-b


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    Btw, I don’t know what ‘activity’ means? Does a ‘read’ or a ‘scroll’ or a ‘love react’ count?

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Yes, “Dependent Liberation” is identical with “Transcendental dependent arising”, and the other two too are identical.


I just noticed that the link to “Understanding the essence of Dependent Origination” seems to be broken. It links to another thread here on D&D, and from there is a link to (probably old version of) the Dhamaloka website. When it is on that site, it may also be a talk (audio, video?). I know that both essays have been made from talks originally; at some point they have been given new titles.

I love them!


Yes. But, the link shared in the third or so replied post still works, I think. ==> Understanding the Essence of Dependent Origination by Ajahn Brahmali - #3 by anon29387788


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You can also search the resources of under teachings :slight_smile:

A new essay/transcript has just been made available there. It is written from a perspective of investigation of the dhamma :slight_smile:

“Read the attached PDF, an edited version of a talk given by Ajahn Brahmali in Dhammaloka on 7 Dec 2018, with transcript prepared by Indira Fernando from Ajahn Brahm Society of Sri Lanka.”


Thanks so much for sharing this, Viveka. And for sharing these thoughts and reflections in the first place, Ajahn @Brahmali! :pray: :hibiscus:


There is also this great article on cessation :slight_smile:

‘What the Nikayas Say and Do Not Say about Nibbana’

sorry I should have grouped all these together



The title alone is somehow very beautiful and strangely poetic :heart: without needing any fancy structure nor being artificially minimalistic, making me feel sad by pressing me ask myself: “Why I’m not a Buddhist monk?” :sob:

And, Yes! I will try adding these new found treasures to OP.


Please just don’t worry. I’ll happily take care of that. :+1:


Not new, but I just realised I had 2 versions of The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts
one from OCBS as posted above (
and another from BPS
authenticity.pdf (626.4 KB)

Also found another source of this (with clickable footnotes) Ajahn Brahmali - Jhāna and Lokuttarajjhāna (