Sutta Pitaka Diagram/Chart


I’ve made a digital chart using suttaCentral GitHub repo. Thanks for letting us use this data in a open source way.

DESCRIPTION : All the connections of the Sutta Pitaka and its major divisions. The extremities of the diagram (leaves) represent sometimes a single long sutta or sometimes a whole chapter (vagga) containing a number of small suttas. Thus, one leaf represent more or less the same quantity of information.

TECHNOLOGIES : JS, D3.js, JSON database


You can find the code used to create the chart here and dowload a PNG image with full resolution.

I’m working on the Nettipakarana, at the bottom left of the chart. It looks like the division are missing so I will check my code for that. If you see any mistake or possible improvement, please let me know.


Welcome to the forum Fractalcitta!

That is a most beautiful hierarchical tree diagram :bouquet::clap:t4:


Wow that’s amazing! I use observable and d3 too! Maybe we can collaborate. :slight_smile:

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Hi @chaz , thank you.
You can check some of the other projects I’m working on in my Observable notebooks.

I’ve seen you mentioned using R in another thread, I worked on a project using R last year then moved to D3.js when I discoverd the Obsidian App that was doing exactly what I wanted to do, i.e. creating a graph based on connections in a wiki. (this is the test I’ve done so far, you can look at the Quartz Repo/website of Jacky Zhao. I’m wokring on improving the graph view of his app)

You can contact me by clicking on my name, thanks


Hats off to you, FractalCitta! That is really lovely. Who wouldn’t want that on their wall?


I believe the Samyutta Nikaya usually comes before the AN :wink:

Otherwise, nice work and welcome to the forum!


Welcome @Cittadhammo and Thank You!! this has made my day, it is absolutely beautiful and amazing and I think I will print it and put it on my wall!!


Love It!!!


OMG who knew a tree diagram could be so beautiful!

Not at all, so happy it could be of use. Can we return the favor? Not sure how yet, but I’d love to host this on SC somewhere.

I noticed that it has Sayutta, elsewhere it is . I think I know where this comes from and have fixed it, so it should work if you refresh the data.


Hi Bhante @sujato and thank you very much,

Yes, when the chart will be finished, you could host it on SC for sure :slight_smile:

The Sayutta comes from line 370


Hi @Khemarato.bhikkhu,

Ok, yes thank you, I’making the change :anjal:



That’s what I thought, if you refresh it’ll work better.

Let me know if there are any issues with the Netti. I haven’t worked with it much, so it’s possible there are bugs or infelicities with the structure.


There are still no new commit in the repo that I can see. The last one dates from Dec 3 (see below). I’ll wait a bit more.

Capture d’écran 2022-04-21 à 09.34.00


Nice work, sādhu 3x! Do you have made any plans to do this for the entire Tipiṭaka? A thing I personally would be interested in …


Hi @Thanuttamo ,
Yes, I’ve looked at the structures of Vinaya and Abhidhamma and I may take some time to do it one day. I believe so. :wink:


@Cittadhammo - you’ve licensed this under a CC license which requires attribution. What name should I use when I reshare it?

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Hi @Khemarato.bhikkhu , I’m actually thinking about giving it a CC0, I don’t know much about licenses. I see most of Bhante Sujato’s work are using CC0. Do you know if the usage of these different licenses have been discussed somewhere by the monastic communities ?

Also, look at this page for an updated version of the graph. I’ve change the order of SN and AN as you mentionned.



this is beautiful and useful. it reminds me of a spore print. it would be a great wall poster.


My bad I forgot to push. It’s there now.

Also FYI the “official” sources for these names is the name files which you can find here for the root:

and here for the translation:

uid_expansion.json is marked as deprecated and it may be removed at some point. We just haven’t got around to it yet. If you’re just using it to generate the image you should be fine, but if you’re planning on doing something that will draw our data longer term, best to use the new sources.


Looking forward to that. Thanks for your work in Buddha-dhamma!

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Is there a way to zoom in on the observable version? I’m not seeing one and it’s hard to read most of it.

Perhaps you could vary the font size so the main books were larger and then the text got progressively smaller till you got down to the suttas.

Having links to the suttas would be cool.