SuttaCentral 2021: bug reports here! 🐛

Ayya @Pasanna, This seems to be a generic issue, at least on IPads; back button directs to the page you linked. It doesn’t seem specific to any particular portion or a book. I usually don’t use the back button but click on where I need to go back in the top bar, which shows the whole chain of links. Thank you for bringing this up.

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I don’t get that bug with the back button on Chrome, so it may be an iDevice bug. But I still do get a bug, back doesn’t always work. We’ll fix that and hopefully it will fix your problem too.

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I’m also having problems with the pwa.
The ‘static’ content pages load but no suttas. I’ve cleared cache and re installed twice.

Browser: Chrome, 101.0.4951.61
OS: Android, 8.0.0
Device: LG v20

Browsing directly to SuttaCentral shows undefined. See the screnshot:

I believe there is no /search page. Just click the :mag: and type your search in the box

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Search doesn’t seem to be working properly, only dictionary results are found or translated text, the search doesn’t bring up results from the root texts.

  • your browser type and version number:
    Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  • your OS: macOS

Reading a sutta in a different language and then pressing “next” when the next sutta isn’t translated in that language will get the tab stuck in a loop refreshing page multiple times per second.

For example SuttaCentral
^ this button will loop the tab.

We had this recently with the Saarländisch Metta Sutta because of a wrong translator name in the code.

I think what normally should happen if a Sutta has no translation in the chosen language is that the Suttaplex card should be shown. This way the user can find out what translations or parallels for that Sutta are available.

@HongDa ? Bhante @sujato ?

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This still doesn’t seem to work. Now I wanted to look for a B.Bodhi translation but also those were not found. :man_shrugging:

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Well, previously we have 0 result when searching for “dukkha”

Now, we have 1346 results when searching for “dukkha”. Big improvement! :clap:

However, we now only have 1 result when searching for “sukha” :sweat_smile:

Joking just to lighten up the mood, the message is: "Search is broken. Please fix it, thank you :pray:"


Update: Search seems to be working again. We now have 870 results for “sukha”. Yay! :smiley:

and less results for “dukkha” (1199 compared to 1346 as before). Not too sure if it’s a good indication though :sweat_smile:

I checked the commits recently on Github but didn’t find any hint to the root cause of the problem.

Is it because @HongDa re-ran the index to fix the search? Could anyone kindly tell me more clearly how did you fix it? Thank you again for fixing the search. :pray:


Wrong simile link?

On, under Lamp, the link in a dark house Mil 2.1.14 doesn’t seem to work for me.


Yes, there are many wrong links in that file. I am currently about to go through them all so that they can be fixed.

As for the Milindapanha links, try replacing the first digit “2” by “3” → Mil 3.1.14.


Hi! I found that the padding is missing in the Spanish version of this Sutta: Digha Nikaya 26
Cakkavatti Sutta. Thank you :pray:t3: :blush:


Thanks for the heads up. Turns out, it’s not the padding exactly. The problem is that these translations include the Pali subheadings, which in some cases are very long. But browsers don’t know how to hyphenate Pali, so they just keep something like Bhikkhunoāyuvaṇṇādivaḍḍhanakathā (in a large font) all on one line. In our Pali files, we have a (painful and inadequate) process to mitigate this, but we don’t expect Pali headings in translation files.

I’ve removed the Pali from these headings.

Meanwhile, I have previously made a proposal to fix this problem in browsers by creating aliases for hyphenation. A thumbs up would help!


Thank you Bhante! I gave a thumb up on Github :blush::pray:t3:


Looking for a translation of “sammā” in Google, I found the one from, when you enter the page it is cut off in the cell phone…


Oh thanks, this is an oversight, I have submitted a fix for it.

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Thank you Bhante :pray:t3: :blush:!

Hello, the link to the Jataka takes the user to the Anguttara Nikaya instead: SuttaCentral

Even though the header identifies the Jataka, the text is the contents to AN.

Thank you for reading this. I hope it was useful. I apologize if this has already been addressed.